Chapter 10.

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The night came by fast, Daniel couldn't sleep though.
He just wanted to watch David, and make sure he would sleep okay.
He watched as his chest rose and fell, and placed a hand over David's heart, feeling the beating from it against his hand.
He felt calm, and just cuddled David as he leaned against him.
He started to him as he rocked David from side to side slightly, yes he was asleep, but David always smiled with the movement and sound, even when he was asleep.
Daniel loved his smile.
He just loved David in general.
He suddenly heard the cabin door open and a small sniffle, he looked over to see max, he seemed upset, and he was crying..?
Max seemed to notice that Daniel was awake, quickly trying to run off.
"Hey! Hey! Max! It's okay!" He whispers, getting up off the bed and walking over to max.
Max looked down at his feet, tightening his grip around the bear he held so dear to his heart.
"What's wrong buddy..?" Daniel knelt down to Max's height, looking at the sad boy.
"I-I had a nightmare.. and I tried going back to sleep but I just kept hearing the sounds and I got even more scared and I couldn't go back to sleep.." he wiped his eyes.
Seeing Max like this made Daniel remember, Max was just a little kid, he wasn't always so mean and bratty, and seeing him like this right now, so scared and the fact he was clinging to this stuffed bear like his life depended on it really did show that he wasn't as angry as he acted.
Daniel sighed softly.
"You wanna talk about it?" He tilted his head.
Max nodded and took a small
"I was wondering around the camp, and everything was like it usually was. David was no where to be seen though.
Me, wanting to find this impossibly happy idiot decided to go look for him. And I went to the little trail, the one that led to the cliff, and I walked down it and it started to get darker, and darker, until I could barely see as I walked, but then I got to the clearing.. a-and.. D-David was on the ground, bleeding and he had a knife in his chest and h-he wasn't moving and I tried to figure out what happened b-but he couldn't talk- and- then he w-was dead and I started to cry before I saw so-someone else and th-then I woke up..."
Max started to cry again, the thought of seeing David dead on the ground haunted him.
The fogged over, glossy, and lifeless eyes, staring right through him, the image wouldn't leave his mind.
Daniel pulled the small boy into a hug.
"Do you want to stay here?" Daniel asked, his voice calm and soft.
Max only nodded in response.
Daniel picked max up, placing him down on the bed.
Max laid down and cuddled up to David, clinging to the man's arm.
Daniel laid down next to them, smiling.
Soon max fell asleep, Daniel fell asleep shortly after him.
David woke up with a small yawn.
Max was curled up next to him and Daniel asleep.
He smiled, carefully sitting up and stretching.
He took his pills, washing it down with water.
Daniel shifted and groan, shoving his face into a pillow.
David smiled and looked over at the two, also seeing that max had completely disappeared under the blanket.
He didn't ever remember max getting in the bed, but didn't question it.
He walked off to go make breakfast for himself and the other two.
Max woke up with a small whine before he burst out into laughter.
Someone was tickling him.
Daniel was to be exact.
This went on for several minutes, Max begging for this tickle torment to end.
Daniel only stopped when Max was practically unable to breath from this tickle tournament.
Max was left giggling quietly, his sides hurt from laughing.
"Good morning Max." Daniel chuckled.
"Fuck you!" He shouted as he caught his breath.
David walked back into the cabin, having three trays.
He gave one to Daniel, and one to Max.
It was a simple breakfast, eggs, toast, and fruit.
Max didn't hesitate to start eating as soon as the tray was put down in front on him.
Anything beat the QuarterMaster's cooking.
And this was so much better than anything he had eaten at camp.
David ate his food at a normal pace.
Unlike Max who quickly ate the food in front of him.
Daniel only took small bites of the toast at every minute or so, and was basically lost in his own mind.
Max, unsurprisingly, was the first one to finish, seeming happy to have food that was actually edible.
Daniel was the last one to finish.
David took the trays and went to put them in the sink.
Max, really didn't want to leave to bed.
The blanket was soft, the bed was comfortable, and he actually felt safe for once.
David walked back in.
"So Max, why did you come in here last night?" David asked, itching his hand where the bandages were.
"Oh, uh, I had a nightmare.." he sighs.
David sighed and was about to say something but Daniel decided this was a good point to stretch out, causing every bone to crack and cracked his neck, making David cover his ears and the sound made Max cringe.
Daniel laughed at their reactions.
"Daniel doesn't that hurt??" David asked, looking at him.
"Not at all! It honestly feels kinda nice to do it." Daniel smiled.
"It sounds really fucking painful though." Max looked over at the blonde.
"Well it's not!" He looked at Max.
Max just gave him a confused look before he flopped backwards on the bed.
"I want coffee."
"Go make some then max." David looked at him.
"No I'm too lazy make it for me." Max crossed his arms.
"Max, you have legs, now use them." David crossed his arms.
"Noooooo." Max whined in response.
David just sighed.
"Fine. I'll make your coffee."
David then walked off to get Max some coffee.

(I hope you like this chapter! Also quick story that happened last night! So I was laying in bed, my sister was next to me, and I sat up and cracked my back, something I do every night. And then I cracked my neck, and I snapped my head to the side and cracked it loudly while facing my sister and she stared at me for a minute before she says. "You are seriously Daniel, what the fuck."
And a week before that, I got my hair bleached and dyed, and I was a blonde for a bit and my sister kept saying I was Daniel. Well I thought I would just add that story, idk why but I hope you liked this chapter!)

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