Chapter 7.

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A week had passed after the whole Koolaid accident and David was coming back today.
Daniel seemed more than happy to hear that he was coming back.
It was Saturday, so no activities and he could just relax as well.
Gwen had decided to pick David up, and now all he had to do was wait.
He didn't know why he was so excited over David getting back.
He thought about it for a few minutes before the car pulled in.
A smile appeared on the blonde's face.
Gwen got out of the car, David getting out soon after.
He looked happy to be back.
Daniel stood up to go to the young councilor but stopped as he felt a small drop of water lightly hit his nose, another on his arm, and on his head.
It began to rain.
Gwen darted inside, followed by a few campers.
David hadn't fully processed what was going on, having just woken up from a nap in the car, he was still tired.
Daniel watched and waited to see if David would notice the rain.
He definitely did as the rain fell down harder in bigger drops, causing the male to yelp out in surprise, feeling the cold water quickly soak his clothes as he ran inside, followed by Daniel who slowly walked behind him.
Daniel closed the door behind him, letting out a small chuckle.
He loved the rain.
Daniel saw the chance to do something since the campers weren't watching.
He slowly snuck up behind David before he wrapped his arms around David, causing the other male to let out a small yelp in surprise, turning to look at who hugged him, his body relaxing once he saw it was Daniel.
"You scared me." David giggled.
"That was my whole plan." Daniel chuckled and ran a hand through David's soft and fluffy hair.
He could feel his heart speeding up slightly as he looked at the brunette.
'God, I love this idiot.' He thought to himself as he felt his cheeks heating up, his eyes widening.
'Oh my god I do love him,' he stared at Davey, who was making some hot chocolate for himself. He kept his arms around him and watched, smiling.
'What do I do? I tried to kill him and now I'm supposed to tell him that I love him?' He let go of David with a sigh.
David let out a small whine as he felt the warmness from behind slowly go away. He glanced back over to Daniel, seeing that he looked like he was in deep though about something.
He sighed and finished making his hot chocolate and sat down, waiting for a few minutes for it to cool before he started to drink it.
Daniel came and sat down next to him.
"Hey David, want to go to your cabin, I would like to talk to you, in private." Daniel asked, looking at David.
"Uh.. sure!" David smiled and then took a sip of his hot chocolate.
"Can we go now..?" Daniel asked again.
David nodded as he finished his drink.
Daniel grabbed his arm and dragged him to the cabin.
David quietly followed and closed the door behind them.
"So what did you want to say?" David asked, tilting his head.
"Just a few things about you, I just didn't want the kids thinking I was flirting with you or something like that." Daniel said with a small, nervous chuckle.
"Oh! Okay!" David smiled and sat down, admiring the blonde for a minute before he sat down next to him.
"So David, how long have you worked here?" Daniel asked, tilting his head.
"Oh, uh, I think as long as I could legally work." David smiled.
"Alright, well why do you like this place so much?" Daniel started to move a bit closer with each question.
"I just love nature, and I've gone here since i was a little kid! I always loved this place!" David smiled.
"Okay, next question, have you dated someone before?" Daniel moved closer again.
"Uh yeah.. it didn't end well." David sighed.
"Oh really? What happened?" Daniel moved closer once again.
"She broke up with me right before a date and afterwards the kids tried to get us back together, a kid got hurt, a waitress got hurt, and I actually hit a gut with a chair.." David looked down at the bed.
"Oh really?" Daniel held back a small laugh.
"Yeah.." David sighed.
"Okay, last question, would you be willing to date someone of the same gender?" Daniel moved as close as possible, making it so when David turned his head, the tip of their noses were touching.
"Um.. yes.. I would.." David said, gazing into Daniel's ocean blue eyes.
Daniel grinned slightly before he took a grip around David's handkerchief, catching the other male off guard.
Suddenly he smashed his lips into David's, wanting to kiss this adorable idiot now. He couldn't hold himself back, he wanted this badly.
He felt David tense up, and felt his own cheeks heat up.
Soon, David relaxed, and to Daniel's surprise, actually returned the kiss.
After a minute, Daniel pulled away, letting go of David.
"I-I'm sorry David, I'll just go." Daniel got up to leave but was stopped by two arms wrapping around him. He turned around and saw David, a complete blushing mess.
"I-it's fine! I-i actually kinda liked it.. i-uh.. um.." he stuttered out, and looked down as he tried to make sense of his own sentence.
Daniel couldn't help but chuckle, soon
sitting back down.
"Do you want me to stay?" He asked, returning the hug.
David nodded.
Daniel smiled, looking at David who clung to him like his life depended on it.
David nuzzled his head into Daniel's chest, internally screaming. God he loved the blonde with all his heart, and what just happened made him love him even more.

(Ah! Two chapters in one day! I hope you like it! Also did anyone notice I made a reference to the first chapter in the last chapter? >:3 oh it derp)

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