Chapter 16.

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David, Daniel, and Max all went to see a movie that night.
Max fell asleep halfway until he snapped awake from some loud sound from the movie.
To say the least, the movie was amazing!
They went home soon after the movie ended, Max fell asleep in the car.
David put him in his tent when they got back.
David walked into his cabin, greeted by Daniel sneaking up and picking him up from behind, carrying him over to the bed.
He put David down and grabbed some clothes to get changed into, getting changed into something more comfortable to sleep in.
Once he came back he gave David a quick kiss and sat down on the bed, David quickly pulled Daniel into a hug.
Daniel smiled and returned the kind action. He felt David nuzzle his face into his chest.
Daniel ran a hand through David's soft hair, smiling down at the man. He looked around the cabin, letting out a soft sigh, and jumped as David let out a loud groan as he flopped backwards onto the bed.
Daniel gave him a confused look.
"Are you okay, David?" David looked at the man.
"No." David replied blankly.
"What's wrong David?" Daniel asked, leaning down over him.
"I have a headache.. and I keep hearing things.. and I feel like I'm going crazy.." David sighed and stared at the ceiling.
"Oh well I could get you some pain meds for the headache, but I'm not sure about your other problem." Daniel sighed and got up, going over to the desk and opening opening it, pulling out a pill bottle, giving it to David.
David took the pill, and washed it down with some water.
Daniel sat back down on the bed, quickly pulling David up onto his lap, making David jump.
Daniel wrapped his arms around David tightly, nearly crushing David in the hug.
David squirmed.
"No! Not again!" He let out a small laugh as he tried to escape the tight hug.
"There's no escape this time, is David." Daniel Chuckled, and watched for a minute as David tried to escape this hug trap.
"You're actually going to kill me!" David whined as he squirmed around.
Daniel let go after a few minutes, getting a light punch to the shoulder from David.
"Was that supposed to hurt?" Daniel chuckled.
David gave him another punch to the shoulder, actually hurting him a bit.
"Okay, that one hurt." He rubbed his shoulder.
"You need to stop with the hug traps!" David crossed his arms.
"Never." Daniel chuckled, poking David's sides, and earning a small giggle from him.
Daniel cracked his neck, seeing David cover his ears.
David hated the sound of bones cracking.
Daniel laid down, dragging David down with him.
"Alright, in going to sleep now." Daniel nuzzled David.
David hugged Daniel, cuddling up to him with a smile.
Daniel drifted off to sleep quickly, but David stayed awake, not able to sleep.
'God, it's another one of these nights, isn't it?' He thought to himself, letting out a soft sigh.
David jumped from the loud sound, but Daniel didn't do anything.
'Jesus Christ kid! Just fuck off, and leave me alone!' A familiar female's voice growled.
"No! Leave David alone! You've caused him enough trouble already!" A younger, male voice rang through the room.
David tightened his grip around Daniel, hiding his face in his shoulder.
'Leave me alone before I throw your little ass off the cliff.' The female's voice growled.
"You can't do that! I'm already dead! You can't kill me again! Geez.. you really are a dumb blonde, aren't you?" The boy chuckled softly.
David couldn't ignore the voices, he knew them all too well.
Jen and Jasper.
It took everything from him to not scream, but was visibly shaking in fear.
"Now, leave David alone or I will beat you up, again." Jasper growled.
'Make me, Twinkle Toes.' Jen responded.
Hard footsteps hit the floor, getting louder by each second, until they stopped.
David clung to the sleeping blonde next to him, feeling Daniel pull him closer as well.
A cold chill ran down David's spine as something cold was put against his neck, the feeling around it becoming tighter until an inhuman scream rang through the room and a warmer feeling replaced the cold.
Jasper hugged his old friend tightly, protecting him while Jen laid on the floor, letting out a few pained groans and whines as the pain from a guitar being hit against her head shot through it.
David seemed to calm down from the calmer energy.
'You are a little pain in the ass, kid!' Jen hissed, hatred clear in her voice.
Jasper only ignored her, waiting for David to fall asleep as he blocked out all the sounds around him, watching as he relaxed and finally drifted off to sleep. He finally let go and turned to Jen with a glare.
"I'm not going to let you hurt David, ever!" He growled at the taller blonde.
'What are you going to do, huh? Follow me around all the time?' She walked towards the door.
"That's exactly what I'm going to do." Jasper gave her a wide grin, watching as she turned around to look at him with the most hate filled glare.
'You're lucky you're already dead, cause if you weren't I would've been more than happy to feed you to the bears myself.' She growled.
"Well too bad! I'm already dead!" Jasper giggled.
'I hate you.' Jen growled, walking to the door as Jasper followed.
She left, slamming the door behind her.

The next morning Daniel woke up to see David clinging to him. He let out a soft chuckle and kissed David's cheek, seeing a faint smile form on the sleeping man's face.
Daniel ran a hand through David's hair, smiling.
David shifted, turning his back to Daniel.
Daniel got up after a few minutes and got changed, stealing a shirt from David since he needed to clean his own shirts. David wouldn't mind if he did anyways.
He checked the time, seeing it was around 9:00am.
He decided to wake up David, who wasn't happy to be awake.
Daniel watched as David grabbed the pill bottle off the nightstand, checking to see how many pills he had left.
He was on his last one for the bottle.
He swallowed down the pill before he got ready for the day.
He felt like it was going to be a good day.
Unless the demon found a way to annoy him without Jasper trying to protect him.
Then we would have a problem.

(Ah! Here ya go guys! I hope you like the chapter! Also, 9k reads!? Really?! Thank you all so so much!!)

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