Chapter 5.

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Daniel stepped outside the cabin, noticing that there was a kid he never noticed before, just sitting on the ground picking at the grass.
Daniel walked over to the kid.
"Are you new here?" He asked as he crouched down to look at the kid.
"Huh, oh no not really!" The kid said as he turned to look at the much taller blonde.
"Oh? Well, I'm very sorry, I never saw you before, what's your name?" Daniel asked as he looked down at the much smaller blonde.
"I'm Jasper!" He said with a smile.
"Well, nice to meet you, I'm Daniel." Daniel held out a hand for Jasper to shake.
Jasper hesitated before he attempted to shake the man's hand, his hand fazing right through the other's.
His smile dropped.
He forgot he was a ghost.
Daniel paused and looked at the boy. "Did your hand just go through mine?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Uh.. y-yeah.." Jasper stood up.
"Are you dead?" He asked, his confused expression, turning into a slight grin as he looked at the boy.
Jasper didn't speak, but just vanished instead.
"Hey wait!" He attempted to grab the kid as he first noticed him starting to fade but of course, his hand fazed through the kid's arm.
"Damn.." he mumbled to himself.
Daniel paused to think.
The name repeated over and over in his mind.
He remembered it from somewhere.
The realization suddenly hit him.
David had a shirt with the name Jasper on it.
"Is it the same kid?" He asked himself.
He debated on weather or not he should ask David now or let him sleep.
He decided to wake David up.
He needed to know.
He walked to David's cabin again and walked over to David, shaking him.
"David. Get up I have a question."
David whined.
"What is it..?" He looked at Daniel.
"Who is Jasper?" Daniel asked.
"Wha-" David seemed a bit confused.
"Who is Jasper." He asked, tightening his grip on David.
David stared for a moment.
"Jasper was my best friend..! But he's passed.. a long time ago..." David said, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
"How..?" Daniel loosened the grip on David.
"He fell off a cliff and got attacked by a bear.." David said in a sad tone.
"Oh my.. well I'm very sorry to hear that.. I'll let you go back to sleep." Daniel walked to the door but stopped as he heard a small choked cry.
He spun around on his heel and turned to David, who was hidden under the blanket.
Daniel walked over and hugged him, David clinging to the other male, quietly crying into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry is I brought up a sad subject." He looked at the redhead.
He heard David mumble a small 'it's fine' through his cries.
Daniel started to hum. It was a soft, calming tune that he had listened to and loved as a child. He was hoping that it would help calm David.
Slowly, the redhead councilor's cries turned into whimpers, which turned into sniffles, which finally turned into shaky breaths as he had pretty much calmed down.
Daniel continued to hum, holding David close.
David let go of Daniel after a few minutes and Daniel let go as well.
"I-I should go help the campers.." David said before he put on his shirt and handkerchief, before walking out, Daniel following.
Daniel helped David out with the kids before he snuck off. He found the QuarterMaster's room and grabbed the rat poison, and got Koolaid from the kitchen.
This was his final attempt.
He was going to go through with his plan. No matter what. If he saved David again, he would know it was a lost cause. He would give up only if he saved David again.
He made the Koolaid. Added a big amount of rat poison, and put it in a cup before he walked out to David holding the cup.
"Oh David, I got you a drink." He said with a smile as he looked at David.
David turned around, greeted by Daniel.
"Oh David, I got you a drink." The blonde said with a smile.
"Oh! Thank you!" David smiled and took the drink, taking a big sip of it.
It tasted strange, grape Koolaid and something else. He didn't know what.
"Daniel this tastes weird." He said as he looked into the cup.
"What was in here..? My stomach kinda hurts now..." His sight started to blur and he became dizzy.
He dropped the cup and vomited, becoming paler than before.
He heard someone run off but couldn't focus on the sound.
He heard a panicked voice speaking to another, asking for something.
His throat started to burn.
He started to cry again, the burning in his throat got worse by the second.
He lost his balance and fell backwards but someone caught him.
Through the blur of his vision, he could make the figure out to be Gwen.
She looked frightened and worried.
Soon his vision started to become black.
He soon passed out, hearing a faint panicked yell from a camper.
Gwen held the now unconscious David in her arms. She didn't know what happened. One minute he's completely fine and happy and the next he's throwing up and passing out.
Daniel had ran off to call an ambulance.
She was extremely worried and was trying to calm herself.
Daniel ran over.
"They'll be here soon!" He looked at Gwen.
"Good!" She held her friend close. "What happened anyways!?" She asked as she looked at the David looked alike.
"I'm not sure! I made him a drink as he took a sip and all this happened!" He lied, but his acting was very convincing. Oh, but this panic and worry wasn't acting, this was true worry and fear for the male in Gwen's arms.
He wanted to cry..? He felt bad..?
Why does he have to feel so bad for this idiotic councilor?
He didn't know.
Max ran over.
"What the hëll happened!?" He gave a glare towards Daniel "what did you do to him?!" He growled.
"I didn't do anything!" Daniel yelled back as max climbed up him to be face to face with the cultist.
"I don't fucking believe you!" He growled.
"Max back off!" Gwen shouted.
Max hopped off.
It was easy to see that this little guy was worried.
Max was never worried about David.
Soon, the ambulance arrived, taking David and leaving the two councilors.
Gwen walked off and collapsed on her bed, curling up into a ball. She started to have a small panic attack. She was worried.
Daniel pretty much did the same thing, but started to read to try and calm himself, reading the book David got him.
Max went to his tent and cuddled Mr. Honeynuts.
________________________The night came, no activities, just silence and worry.
It was uncomfortable to say the least.
Daniel laid on David's bed, staring at the ceiling.
Nothing but guilt ran through the man's mind.
He felt regret for his actions.
He felt guilty.
He felt.. sad.
He fucked up again.
David could die because of him.
It would be his fault.
He didn't sleep that night, he just stared at the ceiling thinking about what happened, thinking about David.

(Ah! It's done! School started so I won't have much time to work so I am very very sorry but I'll try to finish chapters as soon as possible! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, I had fun writing it! Also thank you for 1.24K reads! ^^)

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