Chapter 12.

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David woke up in the middle of the night. There was no exact reason why, he just was awake!
He checked the time to see that it said 3:00am.
He sighed and got up, deciding to go on a night walk.
He got out of bed, grabbing a flashlight and walked out out of the cabin and down the hiking trail.
Little did he know that someone followed him.
He quietly hummed to himself as he walked, looking down at his feet as he walked.
Suddenly he stopped as his flashlight started to flash on and off.
It suddenly shut off, leaving David in the dark.
Frantically he tried to turn it back on, hoping and praying the batteries weren't dead.
Click click
The flashlight was dead.
Leaving David practically blind on a trail.
The camp was terrifying at night.
Then, he heard something.
A loud crack.
His blood ran cold.
He started to blindly run through the forest, hearing someone start to chase him.
He had the biggest disadvantage.
Practically blind without his light.
Suddenly he felt someone shove him through the bushes.
The only thing he managed to grab was the branch that was near the edge.
He knew exactly where he was.
The cliff.
"Oh Davey," he heard a familiar voice say in a false worried tone. "You tripped! Do you need help?" The woman's voice rang through his ears.
Suddenly, a light turned on.
Jen stood there with a wide grin.
David was hit with the sudden feeling of sadness.
He was now in Jasper's position, except the only person there, wasn't planning to help.
Jen walked to where David clung to the branch for dear life, placing a heel on his fingers.
"Don't worry David, no one will miss you." She giggled as she dug her heel into David's fingers, making him let go.
He quickly attempted to grab the only thing that kept him up from falling but was quickly slipping.
"Bye bye Davey!" Jen grinned before she kicked him in the face, making him fall down with a loud scream.
David felt his body hit a large rock before he landed on the ground.
That's all he knew at that moment.
He soon blacked out from the impact on landing.
Daniel woke up, being shaken awake by max.
"Max..what's wrong..?" Daniel asked, tiredly.
"David is gone!" Max said panicked. "He isn't anywhere around camp!"
Daniel shot up, his eyes widening.
He shot out of the cabin and around the camp, screaming out David's name. Gwen and max doing the same.
Daniel screamed out on the top of his lungs for him.
No response.
David was no where to be found.
Daniel felt a pair of arms wrap around him and turned around to see the demon blonde behind him.
He shoved her away and locked himself in David's cabin.
David was gone.
The one he had loved had disappeared from the bed and into thin air.
He started to cry.
He cared for David like he had never cared for anyone else.
He loved David with all his heart and now he was gone.
He felt alone.
He felt cold.
He felt like a piece of him had been torn away.
He hid under David's blanket, sobbing.
He wanted David back.
He wanted to know if he was okay.
He wanted him to be there to hug.
He wanted him.
But he was gone.
David woke up to something tugging on his foot, and a sharp pain in his head.
He sat up with a small whine and blinked a few times.
He looked down to his foot to see something he didn't expect.
A fox chewing on his shoe.
This was, odd, to say the least.
It didn't even run away when he moved his foot, it just looked up at David, confused.
"Hello there little guy.." David reached a hand out to it, not thinking properly, but the fox just did a flop on his leg.
This thing was friendly, and it was odd, but this is camp Campbell area we're talking about, nothing is normal.
David got up with a groan and a cry in pain. He had landed hard on a sharp rock.
But he couldn't do anything now.
Luckily, there was a lake.
So yay water.
But no food.
And he knew no plants around here were edible. (Learned from when Mr. Campbell said poisonous berries were safe and got sick. Multiple times.)
And he didn't have the heart to hurt any animal.
So he already knew his fate.
Either he was going to starve, or he was going to suffer the same fate as Jasper.
No one would care.
They most likely wouldn't find him anyways.
Soon he started to scream for help, the fox making some odd sound like some sort of scream as well.
Like I said, nothing at this camp was normal.
Soon, he gave up and broke down crying.
He was scared.
He didn't want to die!
He wanted to be safe at camp. (Well, as safe as he could be at camp Campbell.)
He wanted to have food!
He wanted cuddles and love from Daniel!
He wanted to be safe.
He didn't want to die.
He wanted to be safe.
He was alone with only some weird fox to keep him company and the sounds of the forest.
He knew that his fate was sealed already.
He didn't want to die the same was as Jasper did.
That's the worse way to go.
But without food, starving may be even worse.
And, he was already hungry.
And not to his surprise, no one was searching for him.
"Jen was right..." the man mumbled to himself.
"They don't care.. do they?" He sat down and looked at the fox.
"Not even Daniel..." he stared at the ground.
He was alone, with only a fox to keep him company.
And Daniel was alone with no one to keep him sane.

(Guys look! An update! I hope you like it! And the fox friend came from my love of foxes from a few years ago, and right now. So I hope you like this little guy staying with David too! And I'll try to update as soon as possible! Also thank you guys so much for 3k reads!)

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