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Kirstie's POV

We just started our tour and I wanted to go on a run. Of course no one else would get up early and run with me since the rest of them stayed up all night partying their hearts out. 

When I slipped away from the hotel, it was only about six in the morning. I shrugged and started to run through the streets with my earphones in. Peace and quiet really. Except the music of course! I saw a nearby park and decided to run through it. 

Our kick off concert was in Kentucky. I have no clue why but we always chose weird spots to start tour. Anyway, I was running through when I got distracted by ducks in a pond. How do they keep themselves afloat when their legs are near their butts? 

I wasn't paying attention to anything except how ducks swim in water when I literally crashed into someone. I think it was a guy. I opened my eyes and saw him. Yeah. A guy. A very handsome guy if I might add. 

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." He held out his hand for me to stand back up. "I wasn't paying attention." 

"It okay. I wasn't either." I smiled. I pulled out my earbuds and saw how tall he was. 

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Oh me? I'm fine." I chuckled. It was a lie. My butt hurt. But I wasn't going to tell him that. 

"Oh my.. You're Kirstie! From Pentatonix... Now I feel even worse." He sighed. Must be a fan.

"I'm fine! Really! Don't be sad.." I stood underneath him and looked up since he let his head hang. I saw a little smile which made me smile. 

"Alright. Alright. So you guys have a show tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah! But it's sold out." I frowned. He was so cute! Wait what?

"Oh I got tickets already." He smirked. 

"Someone is on the ball." I pushed him lightly. 

"Very much so." He laughed. It sounded nervous.. Hmmm.

"Well, I should get going. The guy's will be waking up with killer hangovers and I want to watch that happen." I smirked.

"Will I see you tonight?" He asked.

"Maybe. Maybe not." I pulled out my phone and opened up a new contact. "You may see me before hand if you want." I handed over my phone to him. 

"Oh really?" He took my phone and entered it. "But you only have my number." He handed back my phone.

I quickly sent a text to him, "Now you have mine."

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