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Avi's POV

Kirstie has been gone for a while now, and we have a concert to prepare for. Where in the world could she have gone?!

"There she is!" I heard Mitch yell. "Where the hell have you been??" He asked in his high voice.

"I was with this guy." She looked up at Jeremy. 

"Why?" Scott asked while raising an eyebrow.

"I was too tired to go back to the hotel alone, so Jeremy took me to his place." 

"Too tired?" I asked.

"I went home early because I was tired..?" She questioned. 

"Oh!" We all chuckled.

"As long as y'all slept.. And not the other thing.." Scott laughed.

"I would never do that to her." Jeremy said while wrapping his arm around her. 

I'll admit, I was a little upset that Kirstie had found him.. I liked Kirstie, and she was the most decent girl that I have ever met.... 

Jeremy's POV

I stayed with Kirstie while they warmed up and were singing different songs and joking. She sat on my lap for some odd reason. I didn't question it though. I liked it.

"So when's sound check?" Avi asked. 

"I'm about two hours." Kevin said while checking his watch. 

"Alright." Kirstie sighed while leaning back on me. "Hi." She smiled.

"Hey." I chuckled. "Getting comfortable?" I asked.

"Yeah. I don't feel good." She turned her body to where she was cuddled up on me.

"Aw. Poor Kirst." I whispered. We stayed like that for the longest time. Nothing else except me holding her and chatting with the group.

Honestly... It felt nice.

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