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Kirstie's POV

I followed Scott out to wherever he went. It was hard trying to keep up with him when he's angry. He's faster that way.

"Scott! Stop!" I grabbed his arm and he stopped. 

"What?!" He asked in an angry tone.

"Leave it be. It's my problem! Not yours!" I yelled. He looked at me, a little shocked that I had yelled. "I'll talk to him.... It's my problem.." I muttered. 

He nodded and stood upright. His angry expression turned into a surprised one. I walked past him and headed out for where Avi was. He was sitting on a bench with his hands over his face. 

"Hey.." I whispered when I got to him. 

"Kirstie I'm so sorry.." He said.

"Avi.. It's fine. We both didn't mean it." I said while sitting. "But, I just want to make one thing clear.."


"We can't have a relationship.. Like, a.... Friend one is okay.. But anything more is a no.." I explained. 

"I.. I understand." He mumbled. 

"I accept your apology.. Still friends?" I asked. He nodded and I have him a side hug. "Cheer up. Don't be sad." I whispered. He nodded and hugged back. 

I got up and walked back inside to where the rest of the guys were. Scott looked pissed but I didn't care. I fixed things. On my own. 

Now... To fix things with Jeremy.... 

*after the PTX meeting*

"Bye Kirst!" Everyone called. I waved and went off to my car. I was tired and wanted to go home and take a nap. But I was surprised, by a wonderful man. 

"What happened to you?" He asked with a smirk. 

"I'm tired. I just need sleep." I yawned. 

"Oh. Well, what happened last night?" He asked. 


"Jeremy... About that... You see.. My Nanna passed.." I started. "And... I sorta drank my feelings to suffocate that thought so I wasn't as sad.... Then, I didn't know who I was getting with.. And..." I looked up at his eyes... They were begging me to go on but at the same time they didn't... "I slept with Avi... I'm so sorry... Both of us were drunk and I regret it, Scott wanted to kill him, it's just bad.." I sighed.

He just stood there taking everything in.. I hope..

"I'll be very understanding if you left.. And never talked to me again." I added.

"Why would I leave?" He asked.

"Because I slept with another man...?" I was a bit confused to tell the truth.. 

"Kirstie. You were drunk out of your mind. It's not like you knew any better. But, I can't let a perfect girl like you pass by." He said while taking my hand.

"Perfect?" I smiled. It was the one word I had caught. He called me perfect.... I was probably blushing.. 

"Yes perfect. Now, let's get you home."

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