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Kirstie's POV

I gasped. Pregnant? No... I couldn't be...

 "I... I don't understand." I whispered. I felt Esther's hand on mine, and forced back the tears that were threatening to spill over. What would happen to tour? I was not leaving Pentatonix until I absolutely had to.

And then a thought occurred to me: Jeremy and I had never had sex. The only guy I'd 'done it' with in the past few weeks was... Avi. My stomach jumped into my throat. Was this kid his?

"Ms. Maldonado, is the father still in the picture?"

"Um... uh..." I mumbled. She nodded without saying anything. I guess she figured that he wasn't.

 I mean, he was still technically in the picture, but not as a father. He was going to hate me. Jeremy was still there, but he would leave as soon as he found out. The rest of the band was going to think I was such a slut, getting myself pregnant with one of my colleagues.

 "Alright Ms. Maldonado, I will send the results back to your doctor in LA." The doctor said.

 "Do we have to cancel tour?" I asked.

"It depends on how exhausting tour is. Choreography, singing, and screaming won't be good for the baby. Also, there's the inevitable weight gain problem."

"I know... but the fans are so excited... and they spent money to see Pentatonix. Not Quadatonix."

 "I'm sorry Kirstin, but this is not something that can be argued."

 "It's for the best Kirstie." Esther mumbled.

 I sighed. "A-alright..."

 How was I going to explain this?


 Esther drove me back to the hotel and got the guys together for a band meeting. They waited in Esther and my hotel room while I pulled Avi into the hallway. He deserved to know first. "Um..." I murmured. "I don't know how to say this."

"Hey, you can tell me anything." He said, placing a hand on my shoulder. He didn't know that in a minute, he was going to hate me. 

"Uh... I... I'm pregnant. It's yours. I think. I haven't had sex with anyone besides you, and the pain started right after we slept together."

He smiled. "This is great!" 


"You can leave Jeremy, move in with me-" 

"Woah, Avi!" I said. He stopped. His smile disappeared. "I'm not leaving Jeremy! You're supposed to hate me, not tell you to move in with you!"

"But this is my kid, not his! Unless you also slept with him." 

"I said I didn't!" I protested.

"Good. Then, Leave him." 


"Fine." He sighed and walked away. As he was about to walk into his room, he turned back to me. It looked like he was going to say something, but he just shook his head and walked through the door. It shut loudly behind him, and I went into my own room, trying not to cry.

"Alright, let's call this band meeting to order!" Mitch said. I stood in front of them.

"Mitch, you're forgetting something: Avi." Kevin said.

"No, he already knows what he needs to know. Guys, I'm pregnant. We have to cancel tour... if not now, then soon. Very soon."

"Pregnant...?" Scott asked. I nodded and sat down on my bed. Tears streamed down my face.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered. Mitch came over and hugged me. 

"Oh, sweetie. It's not your fault." He murmured. I gratefully buried my head in his chest. Everyone else just kind of sat there, speechless.

"I... I'm... sorry..." I said again, speech broken by sobs. 

"Don't be." Mitch said. He kissed me on top of my head and stood up. "Come on guys, we should leave Kirstie alone."

Kevin and Scott stood up. I noticed Kevin whisper something in Esther's ear before leaving behind the others. 

Now, to tell Jeremy.

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