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*Two Months Later* (3 months pregnant)

Kirstie's POV  

Jeremy and I were watching a movie. I wasn't really paying attention, though. I was mostly just staring at him. The face he made when he laughed was so adorable. I was so in love, I kept forgetting this kid wasn't his. He treated me like it was, though. As if I hadn't gone and had sex with my band-mate. Speaking of which, I hadn't talked to Avi in a while. I kind of missed him, as a friend of course.

"Hey, Jer. I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I lied. I was actually going to call Avi. I stood up and went into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Avi's number. It rang like five times and then went to voicemail. I groaned in frustration as the stupid robot thing played in my ear.

Finally, the phone beeped. "Hey, Avi..." I said. "We haven't talked since we cancelled tour. Is something wrong? Do you hate me for not leaving Jeremy? I'm sorry... but I love him... I couldn't leave him. We're band-mates and friends. I mean, I hope we're still friends. Please... call back when you can..." I finished. I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket. When I walked outside, Jeremy was standing there.

"He wanted you to leave me?" He looked so hurt...


"You heard me."

"Well... yes... but I wouldn't even think of it. I love you Jer." I tried to hug him. He pulled away.

"You almost left me."

"What? No! I just said I wouldn't even think of leaving! I need help with this kid!"

"Maybe Avi can help you!" He yelled. He started walking into the other room.

"You eavesdropped on me and now you're going to act mad?" I yelled. "That's so unfair!" No answer. I ran into the bedroom, slammed the door, fell onto the bed, and cried.

Jeremy's POV

I was so angry. I was fuming, in fact. She had almost left me for him... him! As if he was so much better! I replayed the argument in my head; truth be told, I wasn't even really listening. All I heard was 'leave him' when she was in the bathroom.

'I just said I wouldn't even think of leaving!'

That was such a stupid excus- oh, fuck. "Shit!" I groaned. I ran over to the bedroom and heard her crying inside. I tried to open the door but it was locked. "Kirstie? Please let me in."

"Go away..." she sniffled.

"Open the door, please babe. I'm so sorry for what I did. I wasn't even listening, and if I had been... whatever, point is, I way overreacted. Please just let me in."

The door opened and I saw Kirstie. Her nose was red and her eyes were puffy. I quickly pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry..." I whispered.

"Apology accepted," she said into my shirt.

"Are we good?"

"We're good."

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