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Kirstie's POV

Jeremy was a very nice guy. Like seriously. He's like the one prince you read about in fairy tales. You know, the one who comes and saves you from the wicked witch, or something. Well that's what I think of him. 

We got to the bar and noticed that not very many people were here. Considering that it's like ten, I'm surprised. 

"So, what made you guys start your tour here?" Jeremy asked. 

"Well, we choose different places to do our kick off concert. Not sure why..." I shrugged.

"Huh. Well I'm glad you guys started here." He smiled.

"And why is that?" 

"Because I wouldn't have been here any time else." 

Oh gosh. Now I'm really glad I ran into him. He's so sweet and kind and lovable.. Wait.. Did I just say lovable?? 

"Well that's great-"

"Hey! Looks like you snuck away from us!" I looked over and saw the rest of the guys walk in. 

"Oh gosh." I muttered while hitting my forehead with my hand. 

"They seem fun." Jeremy chuckled.

"Too much fun." I groaned. "Sometimes, you just want some down time to yourself!" I yelled toward them. 

"But you're not alone..?" Kevin questioned. 

"True.." Avi agreed. I groaned and laid my head against the bar. How can a bunch of sweet guys, be so annoying at times? 

My phone lit up with an unknown number so I answered it like any other time. 

"Hello?" I answered while getting off the barstool. 

"Kirstie, it's your mother." The other voice said.

"Oh! Hi mom! Where are you calling from?" I headed toward the bathroom where it was quieter. I didn't walk in though. Probably disgusting.

"The hospital.." She sighed. 

"What happened?? Are you okay??" I frantically asked. Oh no.. If something happened to my mom.. I would literally die.. 

"I'm fine. Hun, are you sitting?" She asked. Avi came over and I held up a finger to show that I was on the phone. He nodded and waited.

"No why..?" I hesitated.

"Your grandma Hun, she had a stroke, and she didn't quite make it in time." I heard her start crying.. I knew because her voice cracked and her voice gradually got smaller.

"Nanna?" I whispered. "No!" I felt the tears slip out and I couldn't have lost her.... She was the toughest grandma I've ever met..

"Kirstie, I know this is hard, but please come home soon." She whispered.

"I will mom.. I have to go now.." I sniffed. 

"I know. You get some rest okay?" 

"Okay.." I hung up and slid down the wall I was leaning on. Avi grabbed me before I hit the ground.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"My Nanna passed." I sobbed. He wrapped me into a hug and comforted me. I did care if he was annoying or not at times. At least he was there to comfort people when they needed it.

Avi's POV

I left Kirstie there with Jeremy since it looked like she wanted to be alone. I found the guys and they were all taking shots. 

Hey why not join them? 

It was all fun and games until every single one of us was drunk. Good thing we got hotel rooms already.

I didn't know who I was trying to get with but she was very pretty. Like very... Very pretty. I think we eventually went up to my hotel room. The rest was sort of a blur...

*the next morning*

Kirstie's POV

Ugh headaches... This will be the last time for a while that I hardcore drink like that... But I know why I did it though. 

I felt cold. Very cold for some reason. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a hotel room. 

Hmm.. I looked over and saw Avi next to me.. 


Why? And how...

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