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Jeremy's POV

So, Avi got Kirstie pregnant. Now I wasn't mad, per say... just... no, I was mad. Not at her, but at him. I don't give a shit how drunk he was.

 Sorry, getting carried away.

 Anyway, I was totally willing to help her with whatever she needed. I just hoped she would come to stay with me until the baby was born. If this was going to be mine, I was going to raise it like my own. And that meant living with its mother. Maybe even... my wife.

If Kirstie was ready for that. I mean, not right away, but... down the road... maybe. I'm just making this more awkward for myself. 

I was sitting around at home and watching TV when I heard a knock on the door. "Coming," I called. I got up and opened the door to see Kirstie standing in the hallway. She smiled when she saw me, and I immediately pulled her into a hug.

"Hi, Jer." She said once we pulled apart. I noticed she had a super small baby bump. "The guys wanted me to go back to LA, but I had my doctor fax the papers to the nearest doctor's office. So I could live with you until I'm ready to start touring again."

"I'm good with that," I murmured, leaning down to kiss her softly on the lips. "Come on, you can put your bag in my room." I led her into the other room and let her lift her bag onto the bed. If there was one thing I had learned from reality TV, it was that you never treat a pregnant woman like she's crippled unless you want her to go ape shit. "You need help?" I asked.

"Um... I think I got it." She replied. I sat on the bed and watched as she unpacked her clothes. After about five minutes of unpacking, she stopped and looked at me. "What?" 

"You're beautiful," I said. She rolled her eyes and went back to unpacking.

"Kirstie, dinner!" I called. She was taking a short nap in my room, so I had taken the liberty to make dinner. I wanted to make a fancy chili dish, and a chocolate cake, and go out and buy some fresh bread, but it turns out I'm not the best cook.

So I made her favorite: macaroni and cheese. She walked into the kitchen and smiled when she saw the hot bowl of cheesy noodles sitting on the table. "Mac and cheese!" She exclaimed. She sounded like a little kid. It made me smile. 

"Bon appétit, mademoiselle." I said in a French accent. I pulled out her chair for her and she giggled as she sat down. I sat across from her and spooned some of the food into my bowl. She did the same when I was done.

"Have I mentioned how much I love you?" Kirstie asked with a mouthful of macaroni. "Also, this is really good."

"Thank you," I said with a smile. "I wanted to make you cake, but I'm not good at cooking." She chuckled and continued eating.

When we were done, Kirstie volunteered to clean up, and at first I said no, but she said that she would clean since I made dinner. So I shrugged and went into my bedroom. She came in about twenty minutes later and changed into some pajamas. Just simple shorts and a t-shirt. I tried not to watch as she changed, but she was a little distracting. 

Anyway, I put my book down once she crawled into bed. She snuggled up to me and rested her head on my chest. "Goodnight Jer," she mumbled through a yawn.

"Goodnight Kirst," I whispered. She was already falling asleep. Her breathing slowed down and I smiled. I kissed the top of her head, and was about to fall asleep, when I remembered something she had said at dinner. "I love you too, Kirstie."

And then I drifted into sleep.

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