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Avi's POV

How come she won't leave Jeremy? It's my kid. Not his. I peeked outside of the hotel room and saw Kirstie sitting in the hall all alone. 

Should I see what's wrong...? 

No.. I-I shouldn't..

But that would be mean... I left my room and walked over to her. I could hear sniffling and little coughing. 

"You okay?" I asked while sitting down.

"I'm fine." She mumbled. 

I saw that she had her phone in her hands. It showed her texts between her and Jeremy. 

K: I have something really important to tell you.. Please don't be mad..

J: I promise I won't. 

J: Kirst..? 

I felt bad.. There was a long message typed but she hadn't hit send yet.. She was probably too broken down to hit it.. 

"Um.. It's... You... You should be in your room... Weirdos... Come out at night... And... Do weird things..." I tried to at least make her smile.. But it didn't work.

She just stood up and walked back to her room. Now I felt even worse.. First, I slept with her while we were both drunk. Then get her pregnant, and now it's going to ruin her relationship.. 

And all I wanted was her to be with me.. What kind of person am I? A selfish one now? 

Kirstie's POV

When I got back into my room, I slid against the door and sat on the floor. I looked back at my phone and hit send. What's the worst that could happen?

He would just call me a slut or some other horrible name.. Breakup with me and say it's my fault.. Never talk to me again... Talk bad about me.. 

I looked down and noticed he was calling me. I pressed answer and wiped my eyes.

"Hello?" I sniffed.

"Kirstie, I'm not going to leave you. I know that you're going to need help with this and I'll be there for you. I don't care if it's Avi's or not. But Kirstie, I promise that I love you no matter what." 

I was speechless... I was expecting the opposite of that... 


"I'm here.. I'm just... Speechless.." I coughed.

"Please don't cry.."

"Trying not to." I chuckled while wiping my eyes.

"Where are you guys at for tour now?" He asked while trying to change the subject.

"We're in Maine. We might cancel tour though.." 


"My problem.." I whispered. "Either we change the choreo or we cancel."

"Well, if you cancel, come back over here. I want to spend more time with you." 

"I do too.. But they would probably send me straight back home so I can immediately go to the doctors and get more help.. I have no idea what I'm doing." 

"Well I'll help. I don't know what to do either but you won't be alone. I'll treat that kid like it's mine." He chuckled.

"I thought you would leave me.. And all of that.. Not this." 

"I would never." 

"I know that now. But before I didn't." 

"Well just know that I love you." 

"I do. And I love you too."

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