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Jeremy's POV

Kirstie got into her car, but she let me drive. I guess she was feeling too tired to take the wheel. It turned out for the better, though, because she fell asleep about five minutes into the car ride. I drove along for a while, when I realized I didn't know where she was staying. I tried to wake her up, but she was out cold.

What to do...

I've got no choice, I decided as I merged onto the freeway. I'll have to take her back to my place.

So we drove for a while, her passed out and me driving. I glanced over at her occasionally, and couldn't help but smile at her adorableness. She was so cute when she slept. The left side of her mouth curled up in what looked like a half-smile, and her hair fell perfectly over her shoulders.

God, I was falling hard for her. And I was falling fast. I know most guys wouldn't forgive what she did, but she was black-out drunk and she had just suffered a tough loss. It's not like she knew what she was doing.

Before I knew it, we were pulling into my apartment parking garage. I parked in my designated spot and got out of the car, walking over to the passenger side and opening the door. How to get her inside...

With a shrug, I unbuckled her seat belt and picked her up bridle style. She was surprisingly light. Not that Kirstie's fat in any way – God, no, she's super skinny – it's just that she was kind of a dead weight when she slept. It was still cute though.

I carried her inside and hit the elevator button with my knee. "Need any help, Jer?" Asked Martin, the security guard.

"Nah, I'm good." I replied. The elevator doors opened a moment later and I walked in, hitting another button with my knee. Luckily, it was getting pretty late, so no one would be boarding the elevators. How awkward would that be? As I was lifted towards my apartment floor, I couldn't help but sneak another glance at Kirstie. She was gorgeous...

"Jeremy?" I heard her ask. Her voice was quiet, and her eyes were still closed. I smiled at her cuteness. Her fingers clutched at my shirt slightly, and I felt myself grinning broader.

"Morning sunshine," I whispered. She smiled and then her breathing slowed down again. She was asleep. I chuckled and the elevator dinged. I walked into the hallway and stopped at my door. Crap.

Softly, I set Kirstie down on the ground and dug out my keys as fast as possible. I unlocked my door quickly, picked up Kirstie, and walked inside. Anyone watching would've thought I was kidnapping her or something, but luckily, no one was around to see.

I walked into my room and set Kirstie down on my bed, and then realized I only had the one bedroom. It would be weird to sleep next to her, so I pulled her shoes off and pulled the covers up over her. "Goodnight Kirstie," I whispered, pressing my lips softly against her temple. I walked into the living room and flopped onto the couch. It was uncomfortable, but I fell asleep fairly quickly.

Kirstie's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. Wait, what? For a second, I thought maybe I had gotten drunk again, but then I realized there was no headache, I wasn't in a hotel room, and no one was next to me. Plus, I had on all my clothes except my shoes. I sat up and looked around, and then realized there was a note on my bed.


I went on a morning run. I made some pancakes for you, they're in the kitchen. I'll be back around eleven. See you then.


I smiled. How thoughtful. I glanced over at the clock and saw it was ten-thirty, so I had about a half hour before Jeremy got back. I stretched and got out of bed, walking into the kitchen. Yep, there were the pancakes. He was so sweet.

I didn't understand how he could be so kind to me after what I'd done. It just didn't seem right. I would've expected him to be angry, but he kept treating me like it hadn't happened. I took a plate of pancakes and ate them standing up. I cleaned the plate when I was done, and then wandered aimlessly into the bedroom again. I took out my phone and noticed a text from Scott.

S: Hey, did you make it to your room alright?

It was sent at around midnight. It was pretty late to text back, and I wasn't even at the hotel, but I decided to do it anyway, just so he didn't start to worry.

K: Yeah, thanks.

I set my phone to the side and laid back on the pillows when I heard the door open. "Jeremy?" I called.

"Yeah!" Came the reply. He appeared in the doorway a minute later. "Have a nice morning?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks for the pancakes."

"My pleasure. So, I guess you want to go back to your hotel now?"

"I'm good here," I answered, feeling another smile tugging at my mouth. He smiled back and sat on the bed next to me. "Thanks for last night." I said.

"It was no problem Kirstie, really." He said, pulling me into a side hug. I hugged him back and then planted a small kiss on his cheek. Everything was back to normal. And I was glad.

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