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Jeremy's POV

I really hoped we weren't in trouble. Kirstie was seven months now, and she was pretty huge. We decided to keep the gender a surprise, and were now looking over different names. "I like Jacob," Kirstie said, pointing at the name in the book we were looking at. "Or Malcom!" She exclaimed. I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her, scanning the page.

"How about Kyle?" I asked, gesturing to the name.

"Kyle... I like that. So Kyle if it's a boy?" She asked. I nodded and we went to the girl's section of the book. We kept looking at names for a while and then Kirstie got bored. We closed the book and she kissed me on the cheek. "I wish this thing was, like, out of me." She groaned.

"Me, too. Probably for different reasons though." I chuckled. She laughed a little and cuddled into my side.

"Jeremy?" She mumbled, rubbing her hand over my chest.


"I like you." She giggled and traced circles on my sweater.

"I like you too, Kirst." I smiled and relaxed for a while. The silence was nice.

She sat up. "Can we have a serious talk for a sec?" I nodded. "Um... I know that right now, everything's good because the baby's not here. But when it comes, things are gonna get stressful, and-"

I stopped her. "I'm not gonna leave, Kirst. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I will stay with you, until the day we die. Pinky promise." I offered my pinky.

She lifted a hand and then flinched, bringing it down to grip her stomach. "Ohhhhhhh, no." She groaned.

"Kirst? Is everything alright?" I sat up, feeling worry fluttering in my stomach. 

"Jer... I... think it's time. The baby's coming, now."

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