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*one month into tour*

Avi's POV

Kirstie has been different ever since we had our one night stand. She was making things official with Jeremy and it wasn't fair.. 

"You just need to rest. Singing on a sick voice isn't very good." Scott said to Kirstie.

"Yeah." She was sitting on the stairs on the stage. Then she suddenly stood up and ran off.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked. 

"She's just sick." Mitch shrugged. "Probably a stomach virus."

*after the show*

Kirstie's POV

I had no idea why I felt like this.. But it sucked. My voice was all scratchy from throwing up and I felt light headed constantly.

"You need to see a doctor." Esther whispered. 

"Yeah... Yeah.." I mumbled.

"Come on. We're going now." She said while helping me up.

"Now? I want sleep.." I whined.

"No. You're too sick and I'm worried." 



I hated the doctors. Seriously. Needles for taking blood and shots? I don't think so.. 

"It'll be okay." Esther whispered. I looked over at her from the little bed. I didn't want to sit up. 

"Ugh." I groaned. I heard her laughter and I smiled a little bit. We waited another fifteen minutes before the doctor came in. 

"Well, Ms. Maldonado, you definitely have something wrong." She said when she came in.

"What's wrong? Is it a stomach virus?" I asked.

"No, you my dear, are pregnant."

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