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Kirstie's POV

Well, the concert was fun. Kentucky was such a great crowd. But then again, all of our fans were amazing. So most of our concerts were super fun. As I stood backstage, panting and smiling, I heard a small squeal from behind me. I turned to see two young girls, about age fourteen. Obviously fans. VIP passes hung around their necks, showing that they were ok to be back here. I took a sip of water and then smiled at them. "Hey guys!" I greeted, causing them to squeal some more.

"Oh, my God!" One of them finally squealed. The other one just kind of stood there, smiling at me. If she hadn't been wearing PTX gear head-to-toe, I would've thought that she wasn't a fan. "Kirstie! We love you sooo much! And ship Kavi sooo much!" The one who talked originally continued, causing me to shift my gaze back to her.

I nodded. I was used to hearing that – 'Oh, my God, you and Avi should totally date!' 'Oh, my God, you and Avi would be sooo perfect for each other!' - but in all honesty, I didn't think Avi and I would make that great of a couple. We were friends, and that was all. I thought of him as a brother, and dating your brother would be weird.

"Aw, well I'm glad y'all like our music!" I said, purposefully avoiding the whole Kavi thing. "Would you like a picture?"

They nodded eagerly and we posed next to each other. They snapped selfies while I smiled, and then they gushed out goodbyes and left. Probably to hunt down the rest of my band-mates. That's when I heard a voice behind me. "Hey, Kirstie."

It was the guy from earlier. The one that knocked me onto my butt.

"Oh, hey!" I said, putting on a smile once more. Suddenly, I felt a hand wrap around my waist. I looked up to see Kevin, standing next to me and smiling at the guy.

"Hey man!" My band-mate said, smiling enthusiastically like he'd known the guy for years. Needless to say, I was confused.

"Hey Kevin," the dude said, smiling back.

And then it clicked. That was Jeremy! From the acoUstiKats! Why was I so stupid? "Oh, God!" I said, drawing both of their attention. "I didn't even realize it was you, Jeremy." A small laugh was given in a feeble attempt to make up for the awkwardness of the situation, but as I looked into his eyes, I think I just felt more awkward; they were absolutely perfect. Dark, chocolatey brown...

Good God, Kirstie, get a grip!

Kevin smiled at me and Jeremy, once more. "Well guys, I should go help pack up." He said, and then walked off. I was left standing awkwardly with Jeremy.

"So..." he said.

"So..." I responded. "You wanna head out somewhere? A bar or something? I was planning on bringing the rest of the band, but..."

He nodded and grinned. "Sure, sounds good."

"Cool!" I said, "I'll go tell the guys, and then we can go."

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