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Kirstie's POV

Ugh, I was tired. I just wanted to go home. But Jeremy insisted that he wouldn't have any fun without me, so I was stuck with him and his friends. "Jer?" I whispered. We were at his friend's apartment, sitting on the couch and talking and socializing and stuff. Well, they were talking. I was sitting with my hands folded in my lap.

"Yeah?" He whispered back.

"I wanna go home..."

"Okay, we've been out for a while." He stood up and I did too. "We're gonna head out, guys. Bye," everyone said bye and we left. Finally, we were going home.


I went into the bedroom and laid down once we got back. I was tired, and the bed felt great. I curled up into as small a ball as I could – I had to maneuver around my stomach, but it was small enough that I felt pretty comfortable – and closed my eyes.

Suddenly, I felt Jeremy's arms wrap around me. I smiled and settled back against him. He was strong... I felt safe when I was with him. I wished this kid was his. Avi's great, but... I didn't want his kid. I wanted Jeremy's.

"Is something wrong?" Jeremy asked, settling a kiss on the base of my neck.

"How'd you figure it out?" I whispered.

"You're all tense."

"It's just... I don't really want this kid to be Avi's... I want it to be yours."

"It is mine."


"I mean I'll raise it like mine. It can know that Avi's the father, but I want it to see me as a dad. Unless you don't want that."

"No, that sounds amazing. We can be a family." I smiled. A family... I liked the sound of that...

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