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*three months later*

Jeremy's POV

I woke up with Kirstie in my arms and my hand on her belly. She was getting bigger and I loved that I was going to be playing 'dad' soon. 

"Morning." I whispered while kissing her cheek. I felt her smile and stretch a little.

"Morning." She said lazily. She turned her head so she was facing me. "You haven't shaved." Her hand came up and touched my cheek. 

"I've been lazy. But you like?" I smirked.

"Yes. A lot." She kissed my cheek and smiled. 

"Are you hungry? We can go get something." 

"Yeah. That sounds good." She nodded. I pulled myself out of bed and walked around. She held out her hand and I helped her up. "Thank you." 

"It's not a problem. Maybe for you, but not for me." I chuckled.


We went to a small diner and were seated quickly. She looked beautiful. I mean, she was gorgeous before, but now, just.. Even better.

"What?" She smiled.

"Nothing. Just admiring." I chuckled.

"Stop.." She blushed. I took her hand from across the table. 

"Stop what? Loving you?" She blushed even more. 


"Okay, I'll stop." 

We talked about nonsense things and about where we could put things when the baby comes. Of course, she wanted to go back to LA. Where her apartment was big enough for all of us.. But I wanted her to stay. 

"And here's your check." The waitress smiled. I nodded and took the check. 

"Jer.." Kirstie whispered.

"Hm?" I said without looking up. 

"What are we going to do next?" 

"What do you mean?" I asked while getting up. 

"Like, before the baby.. Or after. For us I mean." I walked over and helped her up. 

"Like relationship wise?" We walked over to the register to pay. 

"Yeah." I payed the lady and she smiled. 

"Y'all have a nice day." 

"You too." I smiled. I looked back at Kirstie and she looked deep in thought. "Well. I don't know."

"Mm.." I helped her in the car and we headed back for home. 


We watched movies, and just stayed like that for the longest time. I didn't know too much about pregnancy, but the doctors said that she shouldn't be doing too much anymore. She kept shifting, and had a worried look on her face..

"You okay kirst?" I asked.

"I'm fine... I'm just going to use the bathroom.." She got up and waddled into the bathroom. I wonder what's wrong with her..

Kirstie's POV

I thought I had to pee... I looked down at my pants, and saw blood spots on them... 

Oh boy.... 

"Uh... Jer!" I called.

"Yeah?" He yelled back.

"Can.. You get me.. Some new pants?" I asked. I heard him chuckle slightly.. "And then we need to go to the hospital."

"Why?" I heard the concern in his voice.

"Don't question. I need to go." 


When we got to the hospital I explained what happened and was immediately seen. 

"It'll be okay Ms. Maldonado." The doctor said when she came in. "It might be a little spotting is all."

"And that means?" Jeremy asked.

"A vast majority of things. Let's hope for the smallest yes?" She looked at me with a smile. I could only think of the horrible things...


"Well, nothing seems to be wrong.. But we will keep you overnight to see if anything happens okay?" 

"Okay.." I whispered.

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