August 21st
Two-bit: Hey guys, anyone want to go to this party with me tomorrow night?
Soda: I guess I will
Dally: I'll come I don't have anything else to do
Grace: Awww does somebody miss us 😢
Two-bit: I miss Elena
Pony: yeah same
Grace: You asshats
Soda: I miss you Grace❤❤😘
Grace: Miss you more
Johnny: Where's Elena?
Steve: Probably sexting Dallas
Dally: Fuck off Randle
Darry: Children Calm the fuck down please
Grace: she went to the beach
Johnny: Alone?
Steve: you know there could be a lot of pervs out there you might want to be careful
Darry: Says you
Grace: Are you going to the party Darry?
Darry: no.
Two-bit: why not?
Pony: yeah Bree is going to be there
Johnny: come on you have to come
Soda: it will be fun
Darry: no
Grace: Come don't be so boring Darry
Dally: Yeah you're fucking boring man
Two-bit: go go go go
Two-bit: go go go go
Darry: Maybe
Darry: But only because you guys are fucking annoying
Grace: 💓💓
Elena: I wish I could be there to see Darry party.
Grace: yeah, he's so serious all the time.
Soda: ^^
Ponyboy: Darry's going? Really? 😒
Two-bit: Yeah, he's letting loose.
Ponyboy: Ha I'm not going anymore
Grace: why not lol
Ponyboy: It's like going to a party with your dad.
Ponyboy: That's fucking weird.
Steve: he doesn't act like THAT much of a dad.
Darry: language.
Steve: okay maybe he does.
Elena: Darry is a dad.
Grace: we'd be lost without him.
Soda: ^^^
Darry: I wouldn't be the dad friend if y'all didn't act like children.
Soda: fuck you.
Darry: Excuse me, what did you just say?
Steve: ha shit, you're in for it now.
Dally: You're too young to be a dad.
Dally: Go out and have fun tonight, forget about us for a night.
Darry: you all are way to immature.
Grace: they'll be fine Darry, seriously lighten up for a night.
Johnny: and have fun with Bree.
Dally: yeah maybe if you got laid you wouldn't be such an asshole.
Darry: 😳

The outsiders messages 2
RandomModern day Outsiders text messages 2 (Co written by @molleyy)