489 19 2

September 30th

Grace: Hey Elena can you pick up some goldfish from the store please?
Grace: And ice cream we are all out :)
Elena: Yeah sure
Grace: are you with Darry?
Elena: no
Grace: Where are you then? Didn't you say you were going over there?
Elena: I'm out
Elena: I may have idk
Grace: Are you okay? You seem a little off lately.
Elena: Eh
Grace: Eh what?
Grace: Is everything ok with you and Darry?
Elena: Everything's fine
Grace: It doesn't seem like it
Grace: Please tell me
Elena: I said it's fine
Grace: tell me please 🙁
Grace: What happened
Elena: Nothing please just drop it
Grace: Elena!
Grace: Stop it you know you can tell me anything
Elena: I kissed him.
Grace: who Darry?
Grace: Yeah I already knew that
Grace: So what?
Elena: no
Grace: No what Elena??
Elena: Not Darry
Elena: I didn't kiss Darry
Grace: Omg
Grace: Elena
Grace: Please say your joking
Grace: You have to tell Darry
Elena: I can't!
Elena: I thought Dally was going to die I didn't mean it if I tell Darry I know he'll be so upset
Elena: I can't hurt him like that Grace
Elena: I don't know what to do
Elena: I love them both
Elena: So fucking much it hurts
Grace: Tell Darry
Elena: I feel awful
Elena: I feel sick
Elena: I need to throw up
Grace: Calm down it's going to be fine
Grace: Darry will be fine I promise
Elena: I don't want to be here anymore Grace
Elena: I want to go far far away and never come back
Grace: Elena stop you're being crazy right now
Elena: Everything went to shit when summer started
Elena: Everything has been downhill from there
Elena: I can't do it anymore
Elena: I don't want to
Grace: Elena where are you I'm coming to get you right now
Elena: I don't know what I'm going to do Grace
Elena: But just know that I love you
Elena: Tell the boys too
Grace: Elena!
Elena: I love all of you

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