September 13th
Darry: Hey
Elena: Hey :)
Darry: What are you doing?
Elena: You know my favorite thing
Elena: Sitting in my hospital bed starring at the ceiling
Elena: But what are you up to? 😂
Darry: Nothing much just texting you
Elena: Aw how about you come talk to me instead
Elena: I want to see you I miss you 😕
Darry: I really like you Elena.
Darry: Do you want to maybe go on a date with me?
Elena: Wow Darry I'm flattered
Elena: But sadly I can't go anywhere yet
Darry: I meant when you get out
Darry: I'll pick you up and we can do whatever you want
Elena: I'd love to!
Darry: Great its settled then
Darry: I can't wait 😁
Elena: I'm so excited!
Elena: and Darry?
Darry: Yeah?
Elena: I really really like you 💕

The outsiders messages 2
RandomModern day Outsiders text messages 2 (Co written by @molleyy)