September 10
Elena's POV
I wake up to the sound of beeping, from the heart monitor next to me. Theres a note next to me, written in Darry's messy handwriting.
had work, see you later.
- darryI smile and put the note down, and stare at the ceiling. My mind wanders, and it finds it way to Dally. I close my eyes and i think about the first time i met him.
It was pretty cold out as i walked into the drive in. i walk over and see Grace and a boy named Sodapop that she met at this place called the DX, sitting down in the seats. Grace and I have been in Tulsa for two weeks now, we both needed to get the hell away from our homes.
The apartment we were in was small, but it was the farthest place away from New York that my dad was willing to pay for. Grace is sitting next to Soda and i'm next to them. Soon enough we are greeted by a couple other boys. A short boy that Soda calls "johnnycakes" sits next to me. His hair is greasy and shiny and his face is all cut up. He gives me a nervous smile.
"Look at johnny sitting next to the pretty girl" another boy says behind me, looking really familiar.
Grace laughs loudly.
"Hey Soda, does sandy know you're here with this pretty doll?" The boy who's name i came to find out was steve says.
"We broke up, she was two-timing me" he replied. Sodapop was real pretty, but i was more fascinated with the boy in front of me.
I later learn his name is Dallas Winston, but he goes by Dally. He's from New York, and knew Grace. I knew him when we were young, but i never liked him. Seeing him here in Tulsa however changed my view of him, cause boy did he get good looking.
The movie was over, and i met the other boys in the "gang" as soda said. Grace and Soda are walking in front of me, laughing about something he said. I was walking alone when all of a sudden, i feel an arm around me making me jump.
"Hey doll" Dally says, smiling down on me. I smile back and we keep walking.
"You know, you're the prettiest girl in all of Tulsa" he says blatantly, pulling out a cigarette. I thank god its dark so he can't see me blushing.
"i bet you say that to all the girls" i reply smirking. He shakes his head and blows out smoke.
"Nah, you're the prettiest broad i've seen show up here in Tulsa. You ain't a Soc right?".
"What the hell is a Soc?" i ask laughing, and he laughs too.
"Figured. you're way too cute to be a Soc"
My eyes flutter open to the sound of soft knocking. Tears sting my eyes as the door opens. After making eye contact, the tears start flowing and i can't stop them now.Dally's POV
She's crying. I already fucked it up and i've been here for a second. i regret coming, but it's too late now. I walk over to her and she pats the side of the bed. i reach to wipe her tears but pull back.
"i'm sorry" i say, looking down at the bed. She takes her hand under my chin and lifts my head, forcing me to stare into her beautiful eyes.
"i'm the one who's sorry. I fucked everything up" she says sadly, still crying. I slide into the bed and she moves over. She rests her head on my chest and places her hand on my thigh. i put my hand over hers and draw circles with my thumb, which she used to tell me was adorable.
"Please don't leave again" she whispers. I kiss the top of her head, and she snuggles into me.
"i won't. i promise" i reply.
"Grace is going to kill you" she says giggling.
"Oh i know" i reply.
"I really missed you, you scared me".
"I know" i smile sadly and kiss the top of her head again. We lay like this for a while until she falls asleep. I wiggle out of her grip and cover her with the blanket. I kiss the top of her head and walk out.
The guys always told me when i started dating her that my rep was gone. Sure i found trouble but i haven't been in the cooler since she came along. Johnny kept telling me i don't act Tuff anymore when she's around, and a year ago i would have never thought i would have changed for anyone.
She was worth changing for.

The outsiders messages 2
RandomModern day Outsiders text messages 2 (Co written by @molleyy)