september 13th
Thomas: Hey Grace.
Grace: Uh, hey tom.
Thomas: Why don't you call me dad anymore?
Thomas: What happened to my little girl?
Grace: Id call you dad if you actually acted like my father.
Grace: I stopped being your little girl when you asked me to get out of your life.
Grace: What do you want anyway.
Thomas: Ouch.
Thomas: Your sisters having surgery soon, i didn't know if you wanted to come up and see her.
Grace: She's not my sister so i'm good.
Thomas: Half-sister.
Grace: So is this the part where you ask me for money and then pretend i don't exist again?
Thomas: You act just like your mother sometimes,
Thomas: Stubborn and bitchy. Can't a father just text his daughter?
Grace: A normal father can text his daughter. I am not your daughter.
Grace: And don't talk about her like that.
Grace: She is better than i will ever be, and deserved so much better than what she got.
Thomas: She was broken, before i came along and before you came along. She was different, and you can't blame yourself for her death.
Grace: Says you! that's all you did for years!! It broke you, you changed i didn't even know who you were!
Grace: It broke me too.
Grace: You broke me.
Grace: Every single fucking hit.
Grace: Get the fuck out of my life and never come back.
Thomas: i love you grace. i always will.
Grace: You can't lie to me whenever you want too and expect me to believe it. i'm not mom.
Grace: Fuck you. i have more family here then i ever had with you.
Thomas: You call Dallas winston family? that little hoodlum, is he dead yet?
Thomas: You choose him over me, ouch.
Grace: Fuck you. And fuck off.
Grace has blocked Thomas Sanders.

The outsiders messages 2
RandomModern day Outsiders text messages 2 (Co written by @molleyy)