473 19 3

September 14th.

Elena: Are you okay?
Dally: Yeah.
Elena: Okay.
Dally: Are you?
Elena: I'm fine.
Dally: Cool.
Elena: Listen, I don't want things to be awkward between us, can we just be friends.
Dally: Uh, sure.
Elena: Sure?
Dally: As much as i would love to move on and be friends, you're a little hard to get over.
Dally: Considering the fact that i'm still head over heels for you, but whatever.
Dally: Friends. Sure. Sounds like a great idea.
Elena: You act like i'm over you.
Dally: Oh you are. Everyone knows it.
Dally: I don't care that much, i don't mean nothing to a lot of people.
Elena: Was I your reason?
Elena: Your reason for not getting in trouble?
Dally: Well duh.
Dally: When i was with you, there was no need to get in trouble. No need to do anything other then hold your hand.
Elena: Oh.
Dally: It's fine, i missed this so much you have no idea.
Elena: Can you be safe? Please?
Dally': I can try my best.
Elena: And maybe stay out of the cooler?
Dally: We both know the answer to that.
Dally: I gotta go.
Dally: Love you.
Dally: Oh wait. Haha forgot about that.
Dally: Bye.
Elena: Oh.
Elena: Can we talk later?
Dally: Don't count on it doll

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