august 21
Soda: What the hell Grace?
Grace: Um.. what?
Soda: What you posted on instagram? Are you serious?
Grace: Woah what are you, my dad?
Soda: Hilarious.
Soda: No, but it does piss me off quite a bit when other boys hit on my girl.
Grace: Why are you complaining? I thought you loved the view 😛
Soda: I do, but i like to enjoy it privately without 500 other fucking people seeing it.
Grace: Why are you acting like you own me?
Soda: I'm not trying too, i just don't understand why you would post something like that.
Grace: Because it's a cute picture, and I look great in it. so does elena.
Grace: Plus i didn't think the comments would get that out of hand.
Grace: Steve and Two were just messing with you.
Soda: Okay one, Steve never just messes around with that shit. He only says he is when you confront him.
Soda: Two, fucking Socs commented on the picture and you know how much i hate them.
Grace: idk, some guy named James, i think??
Grace: As sexy as you are when you are jealous, just chill. okay? Yes i am your girl and i will always be.
Grace: Don't get so worked up over what i post on my instagram.
Soda: I just don't like other boys looking at you like that.
Grace: Well now you know how i feel whenever you're working the register at the DX
Grace: All of those girls staring at you up and down.
Soda: Yeah but i can't control that,
Soda: But you could control what you post on instagram, and get attention from other boys that aren't me.
Grace: I love when you're jealous, it's so hot.
Soda: You're being ridiculous.
Grace: i'm not being anything, you're the one getting pissed because of a few comments YOUR friends left for me.
Soda: I'm done with this conversation.
Grace: K bye.

The outsiders messages 2
RandomModern day Outsiders text messages 2 (Co written by @molleyy)