628 29 0

August 31st

Grace: Hey
Elena: Hi
Grace: Come back to the apartment please :)
Elena: I don't know if I should....
Grace: Please
Grace: We can hangout just you and me
Grace: We could watch Me Before You and eat chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
Grace: Just like the good ole days
Grace: Like back in New York when your parents would fight
Grace: Please?
Elena: Well
Elena: Ice cream does sound fucking amazing right now
Elena: I'm on my way 😊
Grace: YAY
Grace: I'll pull out all the fluffy blankets I can find!!
Grace: And I'll order a pizza and pop some popcorn!
Elena: Do we have a soda?
Grace: I bought your favorite!
Grace: Hurry up I'm so excited!
Elena: Thank you
Elena: I don't know what I would do without you
Elena: I'm so glad your my best friend
Grace: aw 💕
Grace: I love you!
Elena: I love you too Grace 😭💓
Grace: Now hurry up and get your ass over here! 😁

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