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August 28th

Soda: Are you okay?
Soda: i feel like i know the answer to that so i don't know why i asked.
Soda: The gang's worried about you. They think it has something to do with your mom, Dally's freaking out.
Soda: Can you at least tell me where you are? I won't tell them nothing, i just wanna make sure you're safe.
Elena: Hey soda, it's Kelly. Elena's at my place. She's sleeping though, and i saw your texts.
Elena: She's fine. Is everything okay?
Soda: Yeah everything's fine. thanks for looking out for her.
Elena: No problem. She seemed upset and said she needed a break and a place to stay. Did something happen?
Soda: I don't think so. ill see you around Kelly. Tell Elena to call me if she feels up to it.

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