618 27 2

september 1st

Johnny: Hey guys.
Ponyboy: Yes! a distraction from school work hey johnny.
Darry: Excuse me?
Elena: I did my school work in the beginning of summer, can't relate 🤷🏽‍♀️
Grace: Ha i paid some kid at school to do it.
Two-bit: fuck school
Steve: Smh grace.
Grace: The kid's in love with me, he was begging to do it.
Soda: You're crazy.
Grace: i know.
Johnny: Speaking of crazy, i miss dally.
Steve: Where is he anyway?
Grace: He texted me last night and told me not to worry. He said he was safe and maybe going down to texas?
Darry: Hes going to find trouble.
Ponyboy: Or trouble will find him.
Two-bit: shit, dally's middle name is trouble.
Elena: Hope he's safe.
Steve: What even happened between you two?
Elena: None of your business.
Steve: Jesus, chill out.
Elena: we broke up. he broke up with me. to keep me safe i guess.
Two-bit: Oh
Steve: Im sorry
Grace: We're here for you!
Grace: Someone come over, I have plans and i can't leave Elena here alone.
Elena: what the fuck i'm not five.
Grace: You aren't, but dally kind of stabbed someone in the hand and if they came after you to get back at him once what makes you think they won't do it again.
Soda: Oh and you can protect her from Tim shepard??
Grace: I played softball for 6 years, i know how to use a bat.
Ponyboy: 🙄🙄
Johnny: I can't hang, im with jack. plus i can't protect anybody. i'm good for nothin'
Two-bit: oh shut up johnny
Darry: Ill come over.
Grace: Yay, thank you darry 💜💜
Ponyboy: don't hook up this time.
Steve: Pony!
Elena: 😂😂😂😂
Darry: i hate you.
Ponyboy: it's impossible to hate someone like me.
Soda: shut up and do your school work.

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