*Darry's POV*
"hey baby" a drunken Bree slurs kissing my cheek when i walked in the door of the party. i smile and kiss her back, quickly pulling away. she frowns at my discomfort, she was hot and all but not the girl for me. i walk into the living room, following Bree into the room. Cheers erupt from the room, chanting my name. i laugh and shake it off.
"Darry Curtis, is that you?" someone says, i turn to see Tim shepard all over some girl, trying to get into her pants.
"Why yes it is. Here by force" i say laughing. Tim smiles and looks over at Bree who is talking to Kelly at the bar, he looks at me and winks before turning his attention to the girl he was trying to pick up.
I decide to take Two-bit's advice and loosen up a bit, so i make my way to the table full of booze. it made my stomach drop to think that this was what the kids did almost every week. I shudder and remind myself that tonight i'm not the Darry who parents everyone. i throw the alcohol back, the whiskey burning my throat. i pour another cup and walk out into the living room. Bree walks over to me on the couch and we start talking. I notice Soda in the corner sitting on his phone, smoking a cigarette. He looks really lonely, considering the stuff going on between him and grace. Soon enough, Bree is smashing her lips against mine. I kiss back of course, but my mind is somewhere else. Her hands are around my neck and my arms slide around her waist. the last time i did this was with elena...
"Hey! There's a fight outside!" someone screams, interrupting my thoughts and me and Bree. a couple boys find there way outside and i turn to bree to continue.
"I think it's that little greaser boy" someone yells. my eyes widen, and they find soda's across the room. we get up at the same time and run outside. there's a circle surrounding four boys, and me and soda push our way into the middle.
i hear them before i see it. the impact of Randy's fist in Johnny's ribs. two boys were holding him back, and the other Bob was helping Randy. Johnny's face was bleeding and cut up. His brown puppy eyes find mine in a silent plea for help.
"What the fuck?" i scream, earning a dirty look from Randy.
"You like that faggot?" Bob spits at Johnny, making him flinch. suddenly i can't control my anger, and the next thing i know my fist is connecting with Randy's face. I blacked out after the first punch, my mind was blurred with anger to notice what i was doing.
when it was over, i was on the ground breathing heavily. Bree and soda were over top of me, shaking me up. I turn to see a very pissed off Dally comforting Johnny a few feet away from me. Johnny was shaking so bad, he could cause an earthquake. i heard dally's reassuring voice that everything would be okay, and johnny was falling for it.
i try to get up and immediately winced in pain.
"don't move baby, you're hurt bad" Bree says sadly.
"I think he broke a few ribs" soda says in reply.
"what the hell even happened" i asked, dazed.
"you jumped in and beat the daylights out of Randy. Bob and the other kid, Jet got to you with a blade and beat the hell out of you. i tried to stop them, but he nicked me before i could get to you" Soda said sympathetically, and i noticed the cut on his cheek.
"dally was on his way here and heard the fighting. he ran over and they stopped, everyone's back inside" Bree said, wiping blood from my face. i sigh in pain, it hurt to breathe.
"You sure did scare the hell out of them" Soda says smiling. i laugh back and i struggle to get up.
"are you okay johnny" i ask sadly, already knowing the answer. he shakes his head slowly, as dally helps him up. he puts his arm around johnny and waves goodbye before walking into the night with johnny, taking him home.
i knew a few ribs were broken, and my face was definitely fucked up, but in that moment i was too enraged to care.
Soda walks me home, and i promise to myself that i will never be going to another party again.

The outsiders messages 2
CasualeModern day Outsiders text messages 2 (Co written by @molleyy)