September 13th
Soda: Are you okay?
Soda: You're crying on your snapchat story.
Grace: I'm fine.
Soda: You're lying.
Grace: I just don't understand what i did.
Grace: To have everyone leave me.
Grace: Dally, my parents, everyone.
Grace: Soon enough you'll leave and Elena will too and ill have no one.
Soda: You can't blame yourself for any of that, doll.
Soda: Plus i'm still here, and plan on sticking around to annoy you for as long as i can. And elena loves you too much.
Soda: You worry too much.
Soda: Did your dad text you?
Grace: Yeah... and i flipped out and i feel horrible, im such a horrible person.
Soda: No you aren't, he probably deserved it.
Soda: Don't let him get to you, please babe i hate to see you so upset.
Grace: God i just want it to stop hurting.
Soda: I know you do baby, it will be okay soon enough. I promise.
Soda: And i promise i'm not going anywhere unless you ask me too.
Soda: You're the best thing that's happened to me, since my parents died, you know that?
Grace: Oh that's not true.
Soda: But it is, i love you so much
Soda: Please don't be upset, Darry won't let me out this late, as much as i would love to sneak out and hold you, he's sleeping in the living room.
Soda: Just don't do anything stupid, no smoking or hurting yourself okay?
Grace: Yes sir.
Soda: I love you Grace Marie Sanders.
Grace: I love you more Sodapop Patrick Curtis
Soda: It's so hot when you say my full name
Grace: 🙄💞

The outsiders messages 2
RandomModern day Outsiders text messages 2 (Co written by @molleyy)