September 9th
Johnny: Has anyone heard from Dally or Elena?
Pony: no, but it's been days
Soda: Maybe ask Kelly or Bree
Soda: Elena was over at Kelly's last time
Pony: Hold on
Pony added Kelly and Bree to the conversation
Johnny: have either of you heard from Elena or Dally?
Kelly: No we haven't talked since she left my house
Kelly: Why is something wrong?
Darry: She got super drunk and wouldn't tell us where she went and she hasn't come back
Two-bit: and that was days ago
Bree: Omg, no I haven't heard from her
Bree: I hope she's ok
Steve: We all do
Grace: she hasn't answered any of my texts or calls
Kelly: Has Dally answered your calls?
Bree: Maybe he knows where she is?
Pony: Doubt it apparently she told him to leave and then he texted Grace saying he wasn't good enough
Johnny: Yeah and we haven't heard from him since then
Bree: then we need a plan
Soda: A plan for what? To get them to respond?
Bree: nooo to find them both of them
Bree: Any ideas??
Two-bit: I have none
Grace: Idk I went around town to all the places I thought they might be
Kelly: so maybe they aren't in town
Steve: Maybe we could lure dally back
Johnny: how would you do that?
Steve: Say someone in the gang got shot or somethin
Soda: He prob wouldn't even care
Pony: He might if we said it were Elena or Grace or even Johnny
Darry: That doesn't sound like the best plan to me
Johnny: But I mean it could work
Johnny: I think we should try it
Grace: No need
Grace: I found Elena
Grace: Meet me at the hospital in ten.

The outsiders messages 2
RandomModern day Outsiders text messages 2 (Co written by @molleyy)