Where am I?

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**Niall and Harry's house**
**Niall's POV**

Claire has been asleep for about an hour and I'm still wide awake, thinking. Thinking about Claire, how beautiful she really is, how important she is to me, how much of an impact she has made on me in just a month.

All of the sudden her eyes start to open, and she opens her mouth to shriek, but before she can I put my hand over her mouth and her shriek is muffled, when I move my hand away she asks,"Niall?" I nod,"Where am I?" She asks very nervously.

I look at her surprised,"Were uhm... A-at m-my house." I stuttered, she just nods and gives me a peck on the lips, then she realizes she's still laying on top of me and she smiles and tries to push herself up off my chest, but before she can I grab her waist and pull her back down, when she lands I make a quiet,"Ugh" sound and she giggles giving me another peck on the lips.

When she pulled away I grabbed her waist and and pulled her into my lips again, kissing her deeply, her lips are smooth and sweet against mine,"Claire you know if you want you can spend the night here?" I ask sweetly.

She took a bit to answer,"Uhhmmm, I would just have to go home and grab clothes. Wouldn't you have to talk to Harry?" She asks nervously, and I nod,"So I will if I can go home."

I nod and say,"Of course you can go home, and I will talk to Harry." She nods and smiles sweetly, her dimples that I've never noticed popping out,"Babe?" She looks up,"You have dimples?" She nods blushing, and I smile at her and kiss both of her cheeks where her dimples are. She gets up and off me,"Now where do you think your going?" I ask, and swing my legs over the side of the bed to stand up.

She smiles sweetly,"I'm going to get some clothes." She says.

"Ok." I say,"But hurry back, I don't want you gone too long." She nods, and walks towards the door.

**About 3 minutes later**
**Claire's house, Claire's POV**

I walk into my house, and smell the strong scent of alcohol, I see Maria sitting on the couch crying, so I walk over to her,"Maria, baby what's wrong?"She looks up, and I see a bruise on her right cheek,"What the hell?" I ask.

She has a bruise, a bruise? I think, then she speaks,"I-it's dad, he- he's drunk." She stutters through her tears.

"Claire!" I hear a shout coming from upstairs,"Where the hell have you been, you little bitch?" I can tell that he is drunk, because he slurs his words as he runs down the stairs. When he gets to the end of the stairs and walks over to me,"I asked you a question, you little bitch!" He screams in my face.

I keep my lips shut, he smacks me in the face, and then grabs my hair,"When I ask a question you will answer me!" I yelp as he throws me to the ground, and kicks me in the ribs. I get up and go stand infront Maria, he kicks me again in the shin and Maria screams at him to stop, but he just pushes me to the side and hits Maria in the face, I regain my balance, and move back towards Maria grabbing my father and kicking him so that he falls on the couch and passes out. I run upstairs, grab a duffel, and some clothes and I grab my pet hamster! and put her into a ball, then I run into Maria's room, and grab some of her clothes, I also grab her hamster, and put it into its own ball, I grab her duffel throw her things into it, then grab her hand, and run out the front door.

I run back to Niall's house, and knock on the door, Harry opens the door, and looks at me, with fear contouring his feature,"Niall!" He yells, and Niall comes running, a shocked feature on his face,"Harry take Maria, and Claire you come with me." Harry nods and takes a frightened looking Maria, while Niall takes my hand and walks to his bedroom.

**Ooooohhhh look what happened what a mess, sorta a cliff hanger. Any ideas, please comment, vote, follow me, anything I hope that you guys like it, love all my readers!

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