Dinner With Good Boys

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**Claire's Pov**

So after mine and Niall's "moment" I am walking downstairs to go get the door.

When I open the door I feel Niall behind me with a protective hand around my waist. I open the door and see Georgi,"Georgi!" I squeal in excitement.

Niall spins me around,"My ear, love, I'm right behind you." I blush furiously and nod turning back around.

I look at Georgi and say,"Uh you can come sit down, uh if you want." I stutter. She just nods and goes to sit on the couch.

Niall once again spins me around once he sees Georgi and Maria talking,"That wasn't very nice of you to yell in my ear Miss Claire, now was it?" Niall says as I blush, and shake my head,"That could get you in big trouble now, couldn't it?" I nod as he pulls me closer, and leans in until our lips touch, a tingle goes down my spine as he pulls me closer and closer until we are touching, it isn't a deep kiss, but deep enough, for now.

When we pull away I look back over and see that Maria and Georgi are still talking and say,"I think we can go now, Maria father will be home any minute." She nods her head and Georgi gets up off the couch, and follows Niall and I out the door.

We all get into my car, an Niall holds my hand as we start backing out, when we get to the end of the driveway my father, him and I had a conversation about me going to dinner with the boys, he seemed to like Niall, so he said I could go, so he waves and we keep backing out.

**About 5 minutes later at the restaurant.**

We have just gotten a parking space at a nice Italian restaurant, and Niall has just opened my door and he is now taking my hand to help me get out.

Harry is already supposed to be here to save us a table, as we walk in a waitress that looks very perky greets us,"Good evening!" She says very perkily,"Table for three?" She asks, her perkiness starting to piss me off.

Niall must sense my pissyness because he shakes his head and says,"We have a table with Mr.Styles, table for four?"

She nods and says,"Right this way." When we get to the table which Harry is already sitting at we all sit down.

I sit next to Niall, and Georgi looks uneasy she looks at Harry, and I notice that he is starting at her in awe,"Could I p-please sit here?" She stutters. He nods, and scoots over, so that she has room. So Georgi sits down, and we order our drinks.

While waiting we have small talk, but when out food comes we are all quiet and eat, exept for the one time when I got sauce on my lip, and Niall kissed it off, in which earning a kick from Harry in the shin, in which I glared at Harry for.

**hi everyone, I hope you all like the update, love you all your amazayn, lol 1D joke, uhm just keep reading I hope you all love the book as much as I love writing it, thank you for all the support.

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