Chapter 7: Bloodstream

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(Song mentioned in this chapter is called Bloodstream by Ed Sheeran if you didn't know that already)

Dan set off for school when he usually did - 7:45. He liked getting out of the house early, and getting to school before anyone else did. So people couldn't annoy him first thing in the morning - whether that was the students at school, the teachers, or his own parents.

As per usual, Dan had his earphones in, in his own little world as he walked. He had his music on shuffle, in which each of the songs on the playlist all had dark or depressing meanings to them - I mean, this is Dan we're talking about.

Dan entered the gates into the school grounds, focusing on the floor as he usually did. However, instead of going straight into the school, he stopped just outside the entrance doors. Drifting to the left, he went and stood under a tree next to an empty lunch bench, leaning with his back against the bark.

Oh, no, no don't leave me lonely now..

If you loved me how'd you never learn?

Dan never took song lyrics to heart, but at this moment in time, he felt this song matched with his current on-look in life.

Ooh, colour crimson in my eyes...

One or two could free my mind.

"Not wrong there..." Dan whispered glumly to himself.

This is how it ends, I feel the chemicals burn in my...


Fading out again, I feel the chemicals burn in my...


"So tell me when it kicks in..." Dan sang along quietly.

It wasn't often Dan got sad, but when he did, he got really sad.

'Not now you twat, people are making their way in...'

Eventually, students stopped flooding in. Some seemed not to notice Dan under the tree. Others gave weird looks when they saw him, most likly because they're not used to seeing him outside of the building before first period; he would usually be either inside or on the roof.

Dan wanted to do it so badly, to let his emotions take control - but he couldn't. He would never. Not here, not now.


Dan peered at the time on his phone - 8:54. It was a Friday too - Year 11's assembly day. The assemblies were no worry to Dan, he never went to them anyway. Despite feeling the way he did, he made his way inside. To everyone - apart from the Year 11s - it was Form, so some of the classrooms were empty.

"Mr Howell..." A woman's voice said from behind.

'Here we go...'

It was Miss Shaw, Dan's Form teacher. She was tall for a woman, with long black hair always in a pony tail. She wore dark colours most of the time, to match with the school's policy.

"Shouldn't you be at Assembly?" She asked, grinning with her hands on her hips.

Dan just stood there - stone-faced - before answering back, "That's a stupid question..."

Miss Shaw exhaled sharply, unimpressed, "You know, I heard you were going to be mentioned in this assembly."

Dan growled under his breath, "Do you really think that's going to make me want to go?"

"Daniel, please do not argue with me!" She scolded, "It was a request off Phil Lester, he's the one that wants you to be there."

'Why the fuck would Phil want me at an assembly...what's the prat planning now?

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