Chapter 19: Ocean Eyes

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<{*Phil Lester*}>

"Here you go.." Phil smiled, handing Dan his tea, placing his coffee on the coffee table and snuggling up next to him.

"Thanks.." Dan sipped at his tea, watching the television.

Dan had stayed over at Phil's for the night - and will most likely be staying there for a while - because Dan didn't want to go home after the phone call with his parents. Correction - Phil didn't let Dan go home after the phone call.

Phil's mother was at work and Adrian was at school, meaning the pair had some time alone. School days for the two had been put on hold, Mr hayes announcing on the school website the evening after the fire saying that classes will be done over the internet. Students would have to log into their given accounts on the website and will have tasks to do until the school would be rebuilt. That was estimated to take around three - six months.

"Up now, with this morning's news..." The TV presenter began. Phil didn't like the news that much; nowadays it was just full of false accusations and pure negativity in general. He hated that - the little sunshine.

"A secondary school up in the North of England was set on fire yesterday, just before noon.." Both Dan and Phil's attention were instantly drawn to the TV after the presenter spoke.

The second presenter continued, "Yes, Forestshawl Highschool was set ablaze after security cameras caught a Year 7 pupil setting a bookshelf on fire in a science classroom."

"So that's what happened..." Dan reckoned in a serious yet quiet tone, placing his mug on the coffee table next to Phil's.

The first presenter went on, "12-year-old Arron Ross has been put into custody along with his seemed to be partner-in-crime, 16-year-old Pj Liguori who was also caught on CCTV locking a classmate in another science classroom only a few floors above where the fire had started."

The second presenter shook his head, "That's terrible - luckily another thing caught on CCTV was a student saving the young man. 16-year-old Philip Lester was saved by 15-year-old Daniel Howell after he was trapped inside the classroom as the fire burned. We have Evelyn on the scene with the aftermath of the disaster.."

Jaws dropped. Phil stared at the television in shock, pretty sure Dan was doing the same thing. He couldn't believe it; they were on the news?

"Evelyn, could you care to share a bit more information on this event?" The second presenter asked.

The screen cut to a woman with short, blonde hair standing at the gates of the school, behind being the aftermath of the fire. It was horrible.

"I sure can - and from what I've been told by eye-witnesses and bystanders, you'd think the entire thing came right out of an action movie. Apparently, Howell rushed into the burning block to save his friend Phil Lester after he broke the window of one of the 3rd story classrooms and began screaming for help. Of course we can see that as we look at this window here..."

The camera zoomed into the window that Phil had smashed, it now surrounded by charcoal black from the blaze.

"..The rest of the case would be so hard to explain, not to mention completely unbelievable to explain itself, so we'll just let you watch what security cameras around the grounds have caught." Evelyn smiled. 

"Thank you, Evelyn, now a little disclaimer to those at home - a few of you may find this footage disturbing or distressing. You have been warned..." The female presenter nodded.

A bunch of clips began playing, the first being of the Arron kid throwing some sort of liquid and then another at a case of books, causing the fire. The second of Pj locking Phil in the classroom. The third showed the crowd from the outside, specifically zooming in on Dan when he ran towards the Science block. The fourth - Dan smashing the door handle, him entering the smoky room and running to help Phil. Fifth - the explosion from the 3rd floor, the boys being slammed into the roof. The adorable sight of them clutching to each other for dear life. Them getting up and running. It was all there - for the entire country to see.

"Rest assured that the two who caused the disaster will be punished appropriately, and Daniel Howell will forever be hailed a hero in his school's eyes..."

The presenters moved onto another topic. Phil gulped, twisting his head to the side and looking at Dan. He seemed bland - not angry, not sad, not even happy. Just bland. For no reason at all, Phil felt like he had to do something - he leaned in and kissed Dan's cheek.

"What was that for?" Dan questioned him, turning to look at the boy with a blank expression.

"You're a hero.." Phil forced a smile - sort of. He felt happy for Dan, yet another part of him was saying otherwise.

Dan shrugged, "Don't feel like one..."

Phil leapt on Dan, tackle-hugging him on the couch. One arm around his neck, the other going under his arm as the two fell onto the sofa in a heap. Dan on his back, he giggled softly, cuddling Phil.

He had no idea why he did it, it just felt right. Destined to make people happy - like always.

"Again, what was that for?" Dan chortled, Phil pushing himself up so he was hovering above Dan.

He looked into the brown pools of melted chocolate that were Dan's eyes, sparkling in the natural lighting of the sun saying hello through the living room window. He just smiled in reply - the kind of smile that you would show off when you feel nothing but love surging through your veins like poison. A very dangerous kind of poison.

"Do you know what confuses me?" Dan focused on his eyes, just like Phil did with his.


"You're so well known, so popular, and yet no one has told you that your eyes aren't fully blue..." He stated fondly.

Phil was a little confused; they are fully blue...What the hell is he talking about?

"Well, if they're not fully blue then...what colour are they?" Phil asked.

"A mixture of blue, yellow and green. Two perfect orbs containing a beautiful ocean, and an island too...the honey-coloured beach circles your pupil. The sea vast and spreading outwards before turning an oceany green, as if it's a barrier which would break whenever you cried..." Dan explained, studying Phil's eyes, "It blows my mind how different your eyes are than what others say.. especially when you're up close."

Phil blushed a plum-colour. No one had ever mentioned this about his eyes - specifically the bit about the ocean. Being completely honest, he hadn't even noticed himself that his eyes looked like this; that is, if they did. He knew his eyes had the ability to change shades in different lighting - that was normal - but what his friends and family members never really realised was the fact that they changed when he was feeling a specific way too...but did Dan know this?

"Dork.." He smirked.

"That's my line, you spork.." Dan complained.

"Dan, you have many lines. At least let me have one of them.." Phil sassed, "..that doesn't involve swearing.."

"Shut up.." Dan grinned, clasping Phil's shirt and pulling him down. He kissed the boy passoinately on the lips, the pair smiling as they did.

'Ocean eyes, hey..'


AN: So this chapter's a little shorter than most and not too important to the story but I wanted to add in something cute after the fire. Also, if there is anything spelt wrong or doesn't make sense then I'll do it after school. Thanks for reading

<3 <3 <3

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