The Dead Ending

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Imagine this as like a trip back in time to a not so happy point in the story.

I would recommend reading over chapter 22 as this follows on from there, however, if you already remember what happened and you don't need to refresh your memory, you may proceed.

The following part is for those who aren't content with the Happy Ending, and are looking for a much darker finish to this Phanfic.



•<{Phil Lester}>•

Phil smirked, fidgiting with the sharp blade in his hand.

He stared at it in a perculiar way, placing his finger on the pointed part of the steel dagger.

"Dinosaur!" He randomly heard Adrian squeal in the living room. (You're welcome, @EnvyClaw04 XD)

Slowly, he plodded up the stairway to the second floor of his humble abode, counting each step until he reached the top. It was there that he paused for a second - thinking.

Then turned right to face his bedroom, and proceeded up to where he was just outside the door.

Phil could hear faint humming from inside the room, along with rustling noises, as if Dan was trying to rapidly search for something. Looking through the crack in the doorway, he could see Dan shuffling through his bag. His back was facing the door so Phil couldn't entirely see what he was trying to find, but could just about recognise what he was going through.

Phil was glad his door didn't creak when it opened - the only door that's completely silent in the entire household. Despite that, he still pushed it bit by bit so it wouldn't knock into the side of his wardrobe and get Dan's attention.

Creeping inside, one foot after the other, steadily.

Dan's head cocked just enough so he could barely see over his shoulder, "Oh, hey Phil.."


Phil swallowed quickly, observing the boy as he carried on routing. Only seconds later had he decided on a different plan.

He leapt at the crouching boy, grabbing him around the waist with his left arm and pulling him up. The force of it sent Phil hobbling backwards into the wardrobe, still standing and holding Dan.

"What are you doing?" Dan wriggled under Phil's grip, to which he just tightened it, digging his nails into Dan's side.

Dan whimpered, finally being able to break free. He wandered back to his bag, where he twisted around to face the ebony-haired boy. His eyes drifted down to the shiny blade in Phil's hand, the orbs of brown filling to the brim with fear.

And Phil just gazed with dead eyes, no emotion, no expression. Nothing. Dan knew he was in trouble.

It was at that moment that Dan went for the door - sprinting and almost slipping on the carpeted floor. Phil sped after him, his fists clenching furiously on the knife he still had in hand.

He managed to catch up to Dan just as he reached the top of the staircase, slapping his hand over his mouth and tugging back so his head was on his shoulder. Dan wriggled and shouted, hit and scratched, and yet Phil still didn't show any sign of backing down.

Dan attempted to stand on Phil's foot and buck his way out but he only ended up missing every time. Phil watched him struggle until he noticed visible red marks covering his left arm.

'How dare you...'

Instantly, Phil spun Dan around so he was facing him before shoving him in the chest.

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