Chapter 16: Sigh

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<{*Phil Lester*}>

Maths. A mock test to get the Year 11s ready for their GCSEs. While they didn't go into records or were even remotely important, they were good for practise. At least that's what teachers thought, anyway...

Of course, Phil had already finished 10 minutes prior to the end of the lesson. Others were baffled on how he was able to do it - even the practise tests were extremely difficult. That's just Phil for you though - half of it was natural intelligence, the other just pure confidence in himself. And many wonder why students envy him so much.

After Math would be first break, in which he wasn't in the mood for talking to people really. Not very normal for Phil, but after yesterday's incident, he really didn't want to be agitated with questions. He'd much rather sit alone, with an excellent book, and read. Now he was just waiting on that one bell.

He looked at the clock. 5..4..3..2..1..

BRING! Time for break.

All students stood from their seats, shoving their bags onto their backs...But then..

"Hold on, sit back down! I need to say something before I let you go." The teacher announced.

The entire class groaned, plopping themselves back down grumpliy. Politely, Phil sat down in silence, his galaxy backpack still on his back.

"So, as you all may already know, your GCSEs are coming up in a couple of months," Sir reminded, "I advise you all begin studying now as-"

"Sir, I think something's going on outside..." One of Phil's fellow female classmates interrupted him, peeking through the blinds of the window.

The class flooded over, including Phil, to see if what she was saying was true. The teacher also looked through the blinds of the window next to his desk. Sure enough, there was a huge crowd blocking the view of something going on outside.

"What the.." The Maths teacher jogged to the classroom door, pulling it open and rushing out, the whole class following in pursuit.

"Who wants to bet it's something to do with Dan Howell?" One of the cockier boys of the class shouted.

'Please, for the love of God, no...'

More and more students flooded to the courtyard, investigating what was going on. Tonnes pushing to the front of the crowd, trying to get a good view. Because of his height, Phil easily pushed to the front, not even remotely surprised by what he saw.

"Mr Howell, put that boy down right now, how dare you!" Mrs Gray, the assistant head, yelled.

Dan was stood there, holding a small boy in the air by the back of his collar. He was stone-faced, not listening to a word she said and instead shook the boy lightly. It was the boy who drugged Phil.

"Young man, if you don't let him go right now, you'll be in serious trouble!" Mrs Gray threatened. Still, Dan just stood there, not giving a care in the world. That is, until he saw Phil...

He looked Dan right in the eye, doing what no one else would dare try and do - not even a teacher - step forward from the crowd. The main reason for no one doing so being the fact Dan could kill them, but Phil knew he wouldn't dare do it to him.

"Dan...please, put him down.." Phil coaxed, "He's not worth it."

Dan looked away from Phil, slowly lowering the kid to ground level. Eventually, he let him go, and the boy ran back to his group of friends.

"You got lucky this time, kid.." Dan growled to the small boy rather loudly, "you may have managed to fool Phil with your little stunt, but you didn't fool me..."

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