He Likes You

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Edd's pov
I walked back into the house and looked at Tom. "Do you want anything?" I asked. "No. I don't want to be a bother." Tom said shivering slightly. "Are you cold?" I asked concerned. "A little, but I'm okay. You've already done too much for me." He said sitting up. He winced in pain. "Hey take it easy. I don't mind helping you. I enjoy taking care of you." I said putting a blanket over him. "Okay." He said laying back down with a small blush. "Are you hungry?" I asked. "N-no." Tom lied. "Tom please don't lie to me." I said sitting at the edge of the couch. "I'm kinda hungry." He said. "What do you like to eat?" I asked. "Edd you don't have to. I'm used to not eating." Tom said. "When was the last time you ate?" I asked concerned. "The last time I ate was the last time my dad was sober. I don't remember when." He said. "What do you want. You can have anything." I said. "I'll be fine with just a sandwich Edd." He said giving me a smile. "What kind of sandwich?" I asked. "Just a pbj." He said snuggling into the blanket. I went into the kitchen and made his sandwich. "Do you want anything to drink?" I asked. No response. "Tom?" I asked walking to the living room. Tom was sleeping peacefully on the couch. "You're so freaking adorable." I mumbled.

          Tom's pov
I was half asleep. Blood loss was making me dizzy. I didn't respond to Edd even though I heard him. "You're so freaking adorable." I heard him mumble. I flipped over to face him. "No I'm not." I said. He blushed and looked down. "You heard that?" He asked awkwardly. "Yeah. I'm not adorable. I'm an ugly monster." I said flipping around to face the back of the couch. "You're not a monster Tom. With all you've been through, you're really nice." Edd said putting his hand on my shoulder. I started quietly sobbing. I felt warmth wrap around me carefully. I looked back to see Edd hugging me. I flipped around and cried into his chest. Seconds later I fell asleep with him hugging me gently.

           Tord's pov
I walked down to Edd's house to see how he was. I heard a rumor being spread about Tom that started from Matt. Edd's had a crush on him for years. I got to Edd's house and knocked on the door. He poked his head out and smiled sweetly at me. "Hey Edd." I said with a smile. "Hey Tord. You need something?" He asked stepping onto the porch with me. "Can I come inside? It's kind of cold." I asked shivering slightly. "Yeah, just give me a sec." He said stepping inside. He stepped out a few seconds later. "You need to be quiet." He said opening the door for me. Tom was laying on the couch sleeping. "Awww. Edd you move quickly." I whispered with a smirk. He rolled his eyes and walked over to Tom. He moved the blanket slightly to show bandages cover in blood. "He's hurt." Edd said putting the blanket back. "First of all, you suck at bandaging. Second of all, how did he get hurt?" I asked. "Come on. Let's go to my room so we don't bother him." He said grabbing my hand and leading me to his room. I blushed a bit and put my head down. We walked into his room and he shut the door. "What happened to him?" I asked. "He was in an accident." Edd said looking away. I sat on his bed and looked at him. I grabbed his wrists and pulled him two inches from my face. "What happened?" I asked looking him in the eyes. He blushed and struggled against my grip. "I-it was j-just an accident." He lied looking away. I held both his hands with one hand and made him look at me. "What happened?" I asked sternly. "He was abused." He said tears starting to form in his eyes. I let him go and he stumbled back hitting the wall. "Why do you have to do that?!" He yelled. "I wasn't supposed to tell anyone! He's gonna hate me!" Edd yelled sobbing. He let his back slide down the wall. "E-Edd I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I said. I heard a soft knock on the door. Edd wiped his tears but they kept coming. "Edd? Are you okay? I heard yelling." Tom said from the other side of the door. "Y-yeah. Everything's f-fine." He stuttered with a sob. The door quietly creaked as Tom opened it. He walked in without a shirt and bandages wrapped around him.

              Edd's pov
I hid my face with my arms as Tom walked in. "Tord?" He asked. "Hey." Tord said awkwardly. "Edd what's wrong?" Tom asked. "N-nothing." I stuttered. Tom hugged me and rubbed my back. "I-I'm so sorry." I stuttered. "Sorry for what Edd?" Tom asked breaking the hug. "I-I told him. I didn't w-want to b-but he made me." I stuttered crying harder. He lifted my chin and looked made me look into his eyes. "You told him what?" He asked. He didn't seem mad or sad, he seemed very calm. "About your father." I said through a sob. Tom let go of my chin and turned around. "So you know?" He asked awkwardly. "Yeah." Tord said awkwardly. "Edd it's really okay." Tom said. "No it's not. I promised." I cried. Tom grabbed my hand and pulled me up into a tight hug. "It's okay Edd." He said again. I fell asleep gently hugging him.

Tom's pov
I carefully laid Edd in his bed and tucked him in. "How'd you make him tell you anyway?" I asked Tord quietly closing Edd's door. "I pulled him really close to my face and made him look at me." Tord said awkwardly. "Can you do me a favor?" I asked awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. "Sure. What do you need?" Tord asked. "Can you rewrap the bandages on this?" Tom asked. "I told him he sucked at bandaging. Come on." Tord said walking down the steps. I sat on the couch as he unwrapped the bandages. "Damn this is a lot of slashes. How are you still standing?" He asked. "I'm used to it." I said. He looked at me concerned then looked back at the slashes. He wrapped my waist around in bandages. "Not to be weird but dude you have some muscles." Tord said. I blushed a bit and looked away. "That was kind of weird." I said with a chuckle. "Sorry. Edd would kill me if he heard me say that." He said as he finished rewrapping the bandages. "Why is that?" I asked. "It's obvious that he likes you." Tord said plopping down on the couch. "R-really?" I asked blushing. "Yup." Tord said casually. He looked over at me and I looked down fiddling with my thumbs. "Have you never been liked?" He asked surprised. "No one ever likes me. I've never had any friends in fact I was always bullied." I said not looking at him. "Well Edd likes you and I'm your friend." Tord said putting his arm around me. I smiled at him. "Thanks Tord." I said. A guy walked through the door, his back facing us. "Come on Paul! We don't have all day!" The guy yelled. Tord quickly pulled his arm from around me. "I'm coming Patryk!" The other one yelled walking up to the door. He noticed me and Tord and just stared at us. The other one turned around and looked at us. "Oh uh hey Tord." The one I presume is Patryk said awkwardly. Edd came running down the stairs. Guess their yelling woke him up. "Uh this is Tom. He got hurt so I brought him here." Edd explained taking groceries from Paul's hands. "Edd. Your principal called. He said you got into two fights today." Paul said. "Fights?! Principal?! Why the hell wasn't I told?!" Patryk screamed. "Sorry. It was Eduardo again." Edd said putting his head down. "Yes I know about that one. But the principal said you beat the crap out of Matt as well." Paul said. "Oh uh, that was me. Edd took the blame." I said. They all looked at me shocked. "Thank you for taking responsibility but I think you should leave." Paul said.

Tord's pov
Tom stood up and walked to the door. "Wait!" Edd yelled. Tom stopped and turned around. "He didn't do anything. Matt was spreading rumors and I put him in his place. Tom can't go home." Edd said. "Edd? What rumors was he spreading?" Patryk asked calming down. "Rumors about Tom." Edd said. "And why can't Tom go home?" Paul asked. Tom put his head down. "He left his keys at school." Edd lied. He has never lied to his parents. "Well I guess you can stay until your guardian gets home." Paul said. "No. Edd's grounded. Stop being so easy on him Paul." Patryk said. "Well he can't go home if he can't get in." Paul argued. I looked over to see Tom was gone. "Edd your grounded. You can't see your friends until suspension is over. And no going outside." Patryk said. Edd looked at me worried then ran upstairs. "See ya. I gotta go." I said running out of the house. I saw Tom walk up to a house then take a deep breath. I bolted over to him and grabbed his hand before he could open the door. "You can't go home." I said dragging him off the porch. "I have no where else to go." He said. "You can stay at my place. I live alone so you don't have to worry about adults." I said dragging him back to my place. "Tord. I need clothes and stuff." He said. "Fine. What else do you need?" I asked as we walked into my house. "You can't go to my house. My dad will kill you." He said. "There's a tree next to your window. I'm just gonna grab your stuff and leave." I reassured him. "Can you just grab my clothes?" He asked. "Are you sure you don't want anything else?" I asked. "Yeah." He said sitting on the couch. I walked over to his house and climbed the tree to his window. I walked into his room and the first thing I saw was a razor blade on his bed. I grabbed a school bag and loaded his clothes into it. I noticed a bass in the corner and grabbed it. I accidentally knocked something over. "Tom?!" I heard Tom's father scream. I slung the bass over my shoulder and climbed out the window. I climbed to the tree and fell, landing on my ankle. I wanted to scream but I didn't. I started quietly crying because of the pain. Then I heard the voice of someone I really hate. "Aww. Did the little loser hurt himself?" Eduardo teased. I looked up to see Eduardo, Mark, and Jon. "Can I go home? I don't want to see this." Jon said. "Jon. Learn to fight. I want you to go punch him." Eduardo said pointing at me. Jon walked up to me and lightly punched my forehead. He looked over at Eduardo for his approval and he face palmed. "No like this you idiot." Mark said walking up to me and punching me in the face. "Now you try." He said. I was already crying but now I was sobbing. Jon walked over to me and looked at my face. "He's already crying. I don't want to hurt him." He said looking back at Eduardo. "Whatever let's go." Eduardo said walking away with them following. "Sorry." Jon said before following them.

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