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                Edd's pov
I lost control. I knew I was hurting him but I couldn't help it. He fell asleep while I stayed up playing with his hair. "I'm sorry." I mumbled. He buried deeper into my chest. "I forgive you." He mumbled still asleep. It was already three in the morning but I couldn't sleep. I buried my face into his fluffy hair. I felt like I was in a cloud. His soft snoring against my chest was soothing. Why did he have to have such a horrible life? Why couldn't I've been there for him? Why couldn't it be me? I started crying not realizing it. My tears were stabbed by his spiky hair. "Edd?" He asked waking up. "Mmhm?" I responded trying to hold back my tears. "You're crying." He said. "N-no I'm not." I lied letting tears flow. He hugged me tight. "It's okay Edd. I'm okay. We're okay." He said. I smiled and hugged him. "Edd, get some sleep. I want to go to sleep cuddling you and wake up to your adorable sleeping face." He said, scooting up next to me, our faces only inches apart. I blushed and hugged him. "Can I kiss you?" I asked. He smiled and kissed me gently. Not roughly, not passionately, just gently. He licked my bottom lip gently. I opened my mouth and he explored it. I didn't do anything. I didn't want to upset him by doing something wrong. His tongue intertwined with mine and I joined in. He pulled away leaving a string of saliva between us. "Now. Cuddle." He asked in a cut tiny gentle voice. I giggled and cuddled up to him. I had to admit, this boy was an adorable loving dork. A dork that knew how to fight. A dork that I loved.

Tom's pov
I cuddled Edd but I wasn't able to fall asleep. "It's already six." Edd said. "I know." I said. "You've got to get up for school sleepyhead." He said with a giggle. "Can I just cuddle you?" I asked not wanting to let go. "No, come on." He said gently prying me away. I sighed and sat up. I got dressed behind the closet door. I fell trying to get a hoodie on over my cast. Edd caught me before I hit the ground. He gently laid me down and pulled my hoodie down. He picked me up and handed me my crutches. "You don't have to go if you don't want to." Edd said. He kissed me gently. I closed my eyes thinking of what I should do. "No I can't. I've already missed a few days." I said. I kissed him one last time before grabbing my backpack. Tord was making breakfast and Matt was waiting. We're gonna be late if we don't get going." I said. "Yeah you're right." He turned off the stove and grabbed his book bag. Matt grabbed his and we walked to the bus. I got on the bus carefully. Before I could sit down the bus driver hit the gas making me fall back. Tord grabbed my colar steadying me. I carefully sat down next to him. He had the window seat which was a good thing. I knew someone was gonna do something and he was gonna freak. Eduardo, Mark, and Jon got on the bus. Jon sat next to Matt and they started talking. Mark walked past me smacking me in the back of the head. Tord growled but I ignored it. Eduardo kicked my broken leg and I whimpered. Tord jumped over the seat we were in and started beating the shit out of him.

Tord's pov
I switched seats with Tom so nobody else hurt him. Some kid sat behind us and started slapping the back of his head. He didn't seem to care at all. I tried to keep myself calm. He punched the stitches on his face and that's when I lost it. I punched the kid right in the face and he passed out. "Tord calm down. We haven't even been on the bus for 10 minutes." He said. I sighed and calmed down. "When we get to school, come with me to the guidance counselor. I'm gonna change my schedule so that I can help you out." I said. He nodded and leaned his head on the window. He bounced his head off the window as the bus hit a small bump. "Don't do that." I said pulling him off the window gently. "But I'm tired." He said leaning against the window. I grabbed his head and laid it on my shoulder. "Tord?" He asked uncomfortably. "You said you were tired." I said. He sighed and closed his eyes. He started drooling on my shoulder as we got to the school. I gently shook him waking him up. We waited till the bus was empty to get off. Kids shoved Tom as he walked through the door. I brought him to the guidance office and I changed my schedule so I could help him. We took the elevator up to the third floor. He went to his locker and I went to mine. I watched him closely. The kid with the locker under him pulled his crutch making him stumble back. I went to help him but Mark held me back. I watched as he was pushed into Eduardo.

Matt's pov
I saw Tom get pushed into Eduardo and Tord being held back. I looked to my side where Jon once was. He wasn't there now. Tom was pushed to the floor and was kicked in the leg. I couldn't get passed the people chanting fight. Tord was watching with horror on his face. I noticed Jon walk up to Eduardo. He punched him in the face and Eduardo threw a punch. He dodged and beat the shit out of Eduardo. He helped Tom up handing him his crutches. He glared at Mark and Mark backed away from Tord. Tord ran to Tom as Jon walked up to me. "That was awesome." I said. He wasn't happy though. "I'll pay for it later." He said with his head down. I sighed and walked with him to our first period class.

Tom's pov
Tord basically stood guard at my locker while I was getting my stuff. "Tord I'm fine." I said with a fake smile. "Mhmm." He said ignoring me. I sighed and shut my locker. He carried my binders and books as we got in the elevator. "Tord I can go through school myself." I said. "Tom are you right handed or left handed?" He asked. "Left." I said with a sigh. "How are you gonna write anything?" He asked. I sighed and looked away. "I don't need a babysitter." I mumbled. "Listen I know you hate me following you around, but after what happened upstairs I'm staying by your side." He said. A kid shoved me into a wall while walking past. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. "You okay?" Tord asked concerned, handing me the crutch I dropped. I nodded and got up off of the wall. The warning bell rung and we continued to first period. We finally got to the room and walked in quietly. Tord talked to the teacher, then came and sat next to me. He wrote whatever I told him and he stayed quiet. I raised my hand to go to the bathroom. The teacher said I could go but Tord tried to follow me. "What are you gonna wipe my ass now?" I asked sarcastically. "But what if-" "Tord I'll be fine. Just stay here and make sure I don't miss anything important." I said before leaving. I walked down the hall and into the bathroom. That's when two stalls opened...and Mark and Eduardo stepped out.

High school au (Tom x Edd)Where stories live. Discover now