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Matt's pov
I walked back to Eduardo's house with Mark. Eduardo's car was back and we both ran inside. Jon wasn't on the couch anymore. I heard him scream and immediately ran up the stairs. I started banging on a door that the screaming was coming from. Mark pulled me back and kicked down the door quickly. Eduardo was on top of Jon kissing him. They were both completely naked. I threw Eduardo at the wall, him passing out. I hugged Jon tight to my chest ignoring the fact that he was naked. He was doing his best to hide his body from me. "I-I'm naked." He sobbed quietly. "I don't care." I said kissing his forehead gently. He sobbed into my chest quietly. He was shaking violently. Mark dragged Eduardo out of the room. I carefully grabbed Jon's boxers and handed them to him. I looked away as he put them on. "M-Matt?" He asked. "Yeah?" I asked. "I-I can't get th-them on. B-because of my l-leg." He stuttered. I looked at him but he looked away. I could tell he was self conscious of his body. I carefully pulled up his boxers blushing insanely. My hands traveled up his waist. "M-Matt. St-stop. D-don't touch m-my ugly b-body." He said grabbing my hands quickly. "You're not ugly. You're beautiful. And I love you." I said. He blushed and looked at me surprised. "I-I love you t-too." He stuttered. I kissed him gently as my hands traveled up and down his body. He grabbed my hands. "Jon, you're beautiful. Stop thinking otherwise. Your body is amazing." I said kissing him again. He let me travel his body, gently feeling all of his features. I loved this dork.

                 Tom's pov
I couldn't sleep. I was in pain but I still enjoyed what we just did. My whole body was throbbing. I tried my hardest not to move to much. My ass hurt so much. "Tom?" Edd asked. I acted as if I was asleep. "Tom I know you're awake." He said quietly. I sighed and looked at him through the darkness. "Yes love?" I asked. "I can feel your whole body throb. Are you okay?" He asked concerned. "Yeah." I said. "Did I hurt you?" He asked. "No. Edd I'm fine. Get some sleep." I said. He sighed and buried his head into my fluffy hair. "You should get some sleep too." He mumbled. "I will." I lied. He fell asleep after a while and I could feel him snoring. I pulled my hands from around him. He pulled me closer to him half asleep. I winced due to hitting my leg on the bed. I ignored it and just buried my head into his chest gently. "Tom go to sleep." He ordered. I clenched his hoodie. He moved me up so I was face to face with him. "What's wrong?" He asked. I just shrugged my shoulders. "Tom? Please tell me." He said. "I'm just not tired." I said. He sighed and kissed me gently. "Do you want to go take a walk?" Edd asked. "No, I'd rather sit here in your warmth." I said. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "Try and get some sleep. It's already one in the morning." He said. "Okay." I said. I buried my head into the crook of his neck. I kissed gently and he giggled. "Tom go to sleep." He said with a small chuckle. I found his sweet spot and sucked and licked and bit at it gently.

Edd's pov
I let out some small moans. "T-Tom." I moaned. His hand traveled up my shirt as he slowly took it off. "T-Tom. St-stop." I moaned tightly closing my eyes. He listened and stopped. "Are you scared?" He asked. "K-kinda." I said. He nodded and gently kissed me. I put my shirt back on and hugged him tight. He buried his head into my chest carefully. After a while I felt his quiet snoring. I buried my face gently into his fluffy, spiky hair. I fell asleep after a while until I was pushed out of bed again. I stood up and gently shook Tom. He jumped up and looked at me. I had a bloody nose from hitting the ground hard. "Did I push you?" He asked with his head down. "Did you have a nightmare?" I asked ignoring the question. "Edd your nose is bleeding." He said grabbing a tissue quickly. He wiped the blood away from my nose as it kept coming. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine." He said. I gently pushed his hand away. "Did you have a nightmare Tom?" I asked. He put his head down in response. "Are you okay?" I asked again. "Yeah." He said. "Get some sleep. I'm gonna clean up my nose." I said gently pushing him down and tucking him in. I went to the bathroom and looked at my nose in the mirror. It was bruised badly and still bleeding badly. "God I hope it's not broken." I mumbled. I cleaned up my nose but it kept bleeding. I looked to see if Tom was awake. He was asleep so I grabbed the room key and left, locking the door. I found an ice cooler and put some ice in a container.

Matt's pov
I carefully helped Jon back into his clothes. He was still shaking and sobbing. "We should take you to a hospital now." I said picking him up carefully. He nodded slightly, gripping my hoodie. I carried him downstairs carefully to see Eduardo on the couch and Mark next to him. "Mark. You've got to drive." I said. He nodded and searched Eduardo for his keys. He found them and we left. "M-Matt, I-I'm d-dizzy." He stuttered. His face was pale and he was burning up. He had slashes on his face, arms, and legs that were bleeding out. "Don't go to sleep. We'll be at the hospital soon." I said reassuringly. "Mark drive faster." I said kicking his seat. "Hold on tight." He said before hitting the gas. I held onto Jon tight. He started to fall asleep but I shook him gently. "Don't sleep." I said. He nodded coughing up blood onto my hoodie. I had tears in my eyes. Mark stopped suddenly and I gripped Jon. He winced and clenched my hoodie. "What the hell?!" I yelled. "Traffic." Mark said. "Shit, Mark he's not gonna be awake for that long." I mumbled. "Well what can I do about the traffic?" He said starting to get annoyed with me. "Damnit." I mumbled. Jon was asleep now. "Jon. Hey. Wake up." I said with panic. His breathing was thin and shaky. "Mark. He's not waking up. Dodge and weave if you have to." I said. He sighed and started weaving through cars quickly. We got to the hospital and I jumped out of the car. I ran inside and Jon was immediately put into surgery. I sat in a room waiting for him to be brought in. A nurse rolled him into the room on a bed. "Is he okay?" I asked concerned. "We're concerned that he might not wake up. He has lost a lot of blood." She said. I gripped his hand as tight as possible. "You better wake up." I sobbed.

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