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Tom's pov
I sat in bed hiding under the covers. There were only four things I was scared of. Lightning, thunder, the dark, and tight spaces. I was crying and shivering under the covers. I clenched my eyes shut and covered my ears. I started sobbing uncontrollably. I was to scared to speak. "Tom?" I heard. I tried to stop sobbing and tried to ask who it was. "Are you okay?" The person asked moving the blanket. I quietly sobbed tensing up. I felt the persons arms wrap around me. I recognized the persons smell. "T-Tord?" I asked through a sob. "Scared?" He asked with a small chuckle. I hugged him sobbing into his chest. I was used to going through things like this alone. Thunder and lightning struck and I hugged him tighter. "It's okay. I'm here." He said soothingly. He rubbed my back making me flinch from my scars. "Tom?" He asked. "Wh-what?" I asked through sobs. "Why do you flinch every time someone rubs your back?" He asked. His chest rising and falling was soothing. "My sc-scars." I said trying to stop sobbing. He kissed my forehead making me blush. "It's okay. I'm here. What are you so scared of?" He asked. "Thunder, lightening, and the dark." I said hiding my face in his chest. He switched on the light and lightly laid me down. He looked through the book bag he brought. He pulled out headphones and plugged them into his phone. He put music on and put the headphones on my head. I couldn't hear the thunder anymore, helping me calm down. He closed the blinds so that I couldn't see the lightning. I drifted off to sleep listening to music.

           Tord's pov
Tom looked really cute wearing my headphones. He was so peaceful and adorable. I couldn't help but stare at him. It was already 5:00. I was tired but I couldn't sleep. I usually fell asleep listening to music with my headphones. That obviously wasn't an option. I was gonna play on my phone but then I remembered that's where the music came from. I pulled a book out of my bag and started reading. It was a really boring book. Tom groaned in his sleep as his stomach growled. My stomach growled as well so I got up and went to the cafeteria. I got two trays, one with pancakes and one with waffles. I got blueberry muffins, coffee, orange juice, apple juice, and fruits. I went back to the room and put the tray with pancakes on the table. Tom groaned and fluttered his eyes open. "Tord?" He asked taking off the headphones. He put them next to the tray then looked back at me. "Eat. I know you're hungry. Your stomach growled in you sleep." I said picking up the tray and putting it on his lap. He looked at the food and put the tray back on the table. "I'm fine." He said flipping on his side, his back facing me. I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. He winced in pain. "Eat." I said more aggressively, handing him the tray. He looked at me with fear then down at his food. He started eating the fruit. I felt bad, I didn't mean to hurt him. "I'm sorry. I need to eat." I said rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. "I-it's okay." He stuttered. His voice was covered with fear. I felt bad for scaring him. He drank his apple juice and ate his muffin. He put the tray back onto the table and laid down. "Don't like pancakes?" I asked. "N-not really but I'll eat it." He said grabbing the tray. "Tom. It's okay. You don't have to eat it if you don't want to." I said. He put the tray back and flipped over, facing away from me.

              Edd's pov
I woke up with Matt hugging me to his chest tight. He was so warm but it didn't feel right. "Matt?" I asked poking his cheek. He fluttered his eyes open and blushed. "Can you let go of me?" I asked. He let go of me and gave me a confused look. "I thought you liked me?" He asked awkwardly. "I did." I said emphasizing the word did. "Oh." He said looking sad. "I'm sorry." I said. "It's fine. I understand." He said. "I'm going to the hospital. You wanna come?" I asked. "What if your parents-" I cut Matt off. "They're not my parents. I don't care if they see me." I said. "Okay. Let's go." He said walking out of the room. It was only 6:00 but his parents had left for work. We left the house and got to the hospital quickly. We walked in and went to Tom's room. He was facing away from Tord, crying. Tord was looking down at him with sadness. "Tom?" I asked concerned. He wiped his tears and looked at me. "H-hey Edd." He said giving me a fake smile. "Tord. What'd you do?!" I yelled. "I'm sorry." He mumbled looking away. "Edd, it doesn't matter. I'm fine." Tom said. "What'd you do?!" I screamed. "I-I hurt him. I didn't mean to. He wouldn't eat. He needed to eat." Tord said hugging his knees to his chest. "You hurt him?!" I yelled. Walking closer, balling my hands into fists. Tom grabbed me and pulled me back. "I'm fine Edd." He said.

              Tom's pov
My arm still hurt from Tord grabbing it. I feel like I'm gonna throw up. But as soon as Edd walked through that door, I felt better. He hugged me making me flinch. I bit my lip trying to stay quiet. I hugged him back lightly, trying to ignore my pain. "Are you sure?" He asked concerned. "Y-yeah." I said with a slight wince. He let go of me and looked into my eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked making me look at him. I bit my lip and looked away. "I'm fine." I said. He grabbed my chin and held my face. His touch sent shivers through my body. He didn't grip my chin hard only lightly held it. "Are you okay?" He asked sternly. I stayed silent until tears began to appear in his eyes. "No." I mumbled. He gave me a weak smile. "It's okay to not be okay." He said before hugging me. It kinda hurt but his warmth was soothing. What was this feeling? Did I like him? I hugged him back. "I-I'm sorry for scaring you a-and hurting you." Tord said crying slightly. "It's okay." I said. He came over and hugged me. "I'm sorry for spreading rumors." Matt said. "It's fine." I said. Matt hugged me making this a group hug. Usually this many people, this close to me, would freak me out. But some how, I kind of enjoyed the hug. After a while Tord fell asleep and Matt had school. "Edd what if your parents notice you're gone?" I asked concerned. "I think they noticed when I jumped out my window and ran to Matt's house." He said sarcastically. "What happened?" I asked concerned, sitting up. He laid his head on my lap making me blush. "Patryk slapped me. I yelled and started being a smart mouth. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me to a wall. I spit in his face, yelled you're not my parents, and ran away." He explained. I didn't notice it before but he had a bruise on his cheek. I slightly moved his shirt to see he had a bruise on his shoulder. "Are you staying with Matt?" I asked. "No. Tord offered for me to stay with you guys." He said giving me a smile. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. "You okay? Your face is red." He asked concerned. I looked him in the eye. "I'm okay Edd." I said with a smile. He blushed and looked away. I giggled and he looked up at me.

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