Go To School

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                 Matt's pov
I clenched Jon's hand as tight as possible. It has been three days and he's still asleep. "Matt you should eat something." Mark said. "Go to school." I said. "Matt-" I cut him off. "Go to school and get me my homework." I said. He sighed and left. My parents have been calling nonstop. Edd's worried and Tom's worried because Edd's worried. "M-Matt?" I heard. My head shot up to see Jon's eyes flutter open. I started crying tears of joy. "How long was I asleep?" He asked. "And where are we?" He asked. "At the hospital. God it's been three days Jon." I said hugging him tight. "Have you slept? You've got bags under your eyes." He asked concerned. "I'm fine." I lied. "Your face is pale. Have you eaten?" He asked. "I wouldn't move from this spot." I said. "Matt? Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. "I'm fine." I said. He sighed and sat up carefully. "Is Mark here?" He asked. "I just got him to leave. Do you want something to eat?" I asked concerned. "Can you go get something to eat for yourself? Please." He said. I sighed and stood up quietly. "Do you want anything?" I asked. "Just some water." He said. I nodded and started walking down the hall. I started to get dizzy. "Shit. No. No. No." I mumbled leaning against the wall. I kept walking as I got dizzier and dizzier. My legs turned to jelly and gave out. I fell to my knees hard. "Sir? Is everything alright? Sir?" A nurse asked me. I couldn't focus on her or on anything. Her voice echoed in my head making it throb intensely. I groaned and clutched my head in pain. "Can someone help me?! We need a doctor!" The nurse yelled making my head throb more. I fell to the ground passing out.

                 Jon's pov
Nurses and a doctor ran past my room. I saw a nurse push a bed passed my room with Matt passed out on it. I sat up quickly, wincing in pain. I grabbed my crutches and carefully got up. I walked out into the hallway and saw them take him into a room. I walked down to the room. I heard nurses talking. "Passed out from starvation and sleep deprivation." One of them said. "You're awake?" I heard Mark ask. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked running over to me. I pointed inside the room. He looked over and his eyes widened quickly. "Y-you didn't make h-him eat?" I asked through sobs. "I tried but he refused." He said hugging me. I buried my head into his chest. "You shouldn't be on your leg." He said picking me up bridal style. "But Matt." I said. "I'll check on him. You have to stay in bed." He said walking into my room and putting me in bed. "Mark. Make sure he wakes up." I said. Mark nodded and walked out of the room. I laid there for about an hour before passing out.

Mark's pov
I quickly went back to the room Matt was in. He was sitting up now. There was a nurse trying to get him to eat. "I'm not hungry. I want to see Jon." He said pushing the food off the table. The nurse caught it before any of it fell to the floor. "Excuse me. I can take over from here." I said walking over. The nurse grunted and left the room annoyed. "Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded. "You should eat." I said. He put his head down. "He's sleeping." I said reassuringly. He nodded and glanced at the food slightly. I sat down and pushed the tray of food to him carefully, it was only a bowl of soup and bread. "You need to eat. Jon needs you to eat." I said. He sighed and flipped over, his back facing me now. "Matt?" I heard. I looked up to see Jon. I quickly got up and walked over to him. "You're not supposed to be up." I said. "He's still not eating?" He asked ignoring me. I sighed and nodded. He gently pushed passed me and walked inside. "Jon you're not supposed to be out of bed yet." Matt said concerned. "And your supposed to be eating." He said. Jon sat down next to him. He carefully grabbed the bowl of soup. He dipped the spoon into the soup and pushed it to Matt's face. Matt reluctantly ate it making Jon smile cutely. Matt smiled as Jon started feeding him more. "How are you feeling? Are you okay?" Jon asked him setting down the now empty bowl. "Yeah I'm fine." He said rubbing his temple slightly. "Jon, he's tired. Let him get some sleep." I said carefully picking him up. "Goodnight Matt. Please get some sleep." Jon said before I walked out.

                 Matt's pov
I laid there trying to sleep. "You know you should really sleep." Edd said walking into the room. "Oh...hey." I said. "You sound happy." He said sarcastically. "I just can't sleep." I said. "Mark tells me you refused to eat earlier." He said sitting down. I sighed and flipped around, only to be met with Mark's eyes. "What is this?" I asked. "Matt. Why aren't you eating?" Edd asked. "Because I don't feel like it." I said. "Matt? Are you okay?" He asked. "I swear to god if someone asks if I'm okay again! I'm fine! Omg I'm perfect! God just leave me alone!" I screamed. I had lost it. Jon was out for three days and I had convinced myself he wasn't waking up. I stopped eating and after a while I wasn't hungry. I was fine. I really was. Or at least I think I was. "Matt. It's okay to not be okay." Edd said. "Omg don't you get it?! I'm okay! Okay! I'm fine!" I screamed sitting up. I had tears streaming down my face. Edd hugged me tight. Mark had left the room already. "You're okay. I get it. I'm just worried." He said stroking my hair gently. "I-I'm sorry. I-I'm just tired o-of being asked th-that." I sobbed. You're not okay! You're the complete opposite! You've shut out all of your friends! What the hell is wrong with you?! Something yelled in my head. "It's okay. I know. You were worried about Jon. It's okay. I'm here." Edd said soothingly. I gripped his hoodie tight and cried into his shoulder quietly as possible.

                 Edd's pov
He broke. He thought Jon died. He stopped eating, sleeping, he stopped caring. "I-I'm sorry." He said. "Don't apologize. It's okay Matt. Soon you and Jon can leave together." I said. "N-no we can't." He sobbed, gripping onto me tighter. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Th-the reason he's i-in here, i-is because of m-me. E-Eduardo didn't like th-that Jon had l-love. H-he wanted Jon. H-he wanted someone b-but Jon had th-that. S-so he hurt h-him because he kn-knew it would h-hurt me which w-would hurt Jon." He sobbed. I sighed and kissed his forehead. "Then protect him. I know you can. You've been protecting me for so long. Now it's time to move on. It'll get worse for him if you're not there." I said rubbing his back. He nodded but continued sobbing. He finally fell asleep and I gently laid him down. I was already in the hospital so I figured I'd visit Tord. When I got there Tord's limp body was in the bed. "Tord?" I asked. No response. His chest wasn't moving. I ran over and listened for any breathing. There was faint tiny breathing. "G-goodbye." He managed to say. "Help! I need some help in here! Help! Please!" I screamed running to the door. Nurses ran into the room. I went to the waiting room where Tom was. He had fallen asleep. "Sir? Your friend won't wake up. He hasn't been breathing enough for about 5 minutes. We found his medication wedged in his throat. It looked like he was trying to overdose but the pills got stuck. We're afraid we might lose him." He said putting his head down. I nodded and walked over to Tom. I sat next to him and wiped my tears before waking him up. "Edd?" He asked. "Hey sleepy head." I said with a smile. "What's wrong? You look like you've been crying." Tom asked. "I'll explain when we get home." I said with a smile. I couldn't focus straight on anything, I was to lost in thoughts. "Edd? Edd? Hey you okay? Edd?" Tom asked.

Tom's pov
I was so worried that Edd wasn't responding. He started crying and snapped from his thoughts. "What is it?" He asked wiping his tears away. "Edd, what's going on?" I asked. He sighed and kissed my forehead. "I'll tell you when we get home, I promise." He said. I sighed as we walked out of the hospital. He hailed a taxi and we got in. We got home pretty quickly. He paid the driver and we walked into the house. He tried to walk to the room but I grabbed his arm. "What's going on?" I asked. He sighed and sat me down on the couch. "I visited Matt but when he fell asleep I visited Tord. He tried to take his own life." Edd said putting his head down. "Y-you said he tr-tried. I-is he alright?" I asked, now sobbing. I don't care how much he hurt me, we were still friends. "They're afraid they might lose him." Edd said. "It's all my fault." I mumbled. He smacked me. Not very hard just a light smack. I looked at him with fear. His eyes widened and he put his head down. "I-I'm sorry. I-I just can't stand the thought of you saying it's your fault." Edd said. I calmed down and kissed him gently. I was shaking. "I-I'm s-sorry." He said starting to cry. "Hey. No. Don't cry. It's okay Edd." I said. He shook his head. "I-I hurt you. I-I had no r-right to put m-my hands on y-you." He sobbed. "You didn't seem to care about that the other night." I joked with a smirk. He let out a small giggle. "Edd I'm okay. Please stop crying. I hate seeing you cry." He looked up at me and I gently wiped his tears away. I kissed him gently and he kissed back. He broke the kiss. "Tom? Where are you gonna sleep?" He asked. "With you in the other bed." I said with a smile. He blushed and put his head down. "Tomorrow's Monday. We both have to go to school." He said

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