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Tom's pov
I couldn't sleep no matter what. We got home and walked inside. He tried to laid me down in the bed but I whimpered. "E-Edd, I c-can't sleep h-here." I said clenching his hoodie. He quickly realized why and picked me up. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking about it." He said. "This whole house smells like him." I said. He sighed and walked out of the house. "E-Edd? Where a-are we going?" I asked. "To a hotel." He said. "A-alone?" I stuttered blushing but at the same time afraid. "Tom I wouldn't hurt you. I love you too much." He said soothingly. "O-okay." I said. He walked two blocks to the Comfort Inn. He paid for a room and as we walked in people stared at me and whispered. I tried to ignore it but it was hard. "God I hate homosexuals." Some guy said looking at me. "Look at him. He's weak. He can't even go five seconds without clinging to his boyfriend." The guy mocked. I clenched onto Edd's hoodie tighter. He didn't mind the whispering, he just rubbed small circles in my back gently. I was crying more. I hated attention and all the mocking was just making myself more self conscious. "E-Edd. E-everyone's whispering. I-I'm feeling m-more self conscious." I mumbled. "You shouldn't. You're beautiful and so is your body." He said kissing my cheek gently. I blushed. I was still crying slightly and shaking violently. We got to our room and Edd unlocked the door. He walked in closing the door and locking it quietly. I flinched slightly at the sound of it. "It's okay Tom." He said soothingly. I clenched his hoodie tighter. He gently kissed my forehead putting me down.

Edd's pov
I completely forgot about Tom's leg as he stumbled to the bed. "Sorry. I completely forgot." I said. "It's fine." He said. He stumbled over to a chair and curled up in it. "What're you doing?" I asked. "You can have the bed." He said. I sighed and picked him up carefully, laying him down in bed. He jumped slightly but I gave him a reassuring smile. He laid at the very edge of the bed quietly. I laid down and pulled him back carefully. He flipped around and snuggled into my chest. I turned off the lights and pulled the blanket over us both. I held him close until he fell asleep. I started to fall asleep when Tom jumped out of my arms. I quickly turned on the light. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked concerned. "I-I can't sleep w-without having a n-nightmare." He sobbed. I hugged him to my chest. "It's okay Tom. He can't hurt you. No one can." I said. I heard someone playing with the door knob and sat up quickly. "Stay." I ordered. He listened and curled up in a ball. I got up and walked over to the door. I looked through the peephole to see the dude from earlier. He had a knife and a psycho grin. I grabbed my phone and played a shotgun sound. The guy stopped and froze afraid. "That was a warning shot!" I yelled. He took off down the hall very quickly. "It's okay now Tom." I said. I took a chair and put it in front of the door. I walk back over to Tom and sat down on the bed. "Nothing can hurt you. I'm here to protect you." I said kissing his forehead gently. He nodded hugging me tight.

Matt's pov
I sat at the edge of the cliff. I had a goofy smile on my face. I heard sobbing and turned around. Jon was stumbling up the trail. He was beaten half to death. I quickly got up and ran over as he started to fall. I caught him in my arms. "Hey, hey. It's okay. What happened?" I asked. "I-I fought against th-them." He stuttered coughing up blood. "Okay. Just take it easy." I said carefully picking him up. "I'll take you to a hospital." I said. "N-no. I-I just want to b-be with you. I-I'll be fine, I-I've been through w-worse." He said coughing up more blood. He hugged my chest carefully wincing in pain. I sighed and kissed his forehead. "Tell me you'll be okay." I said. "I-I promise." He said. I sighed and sat down on the bench with him laying on my lap. He had cuts and bruises all over his face and his body. The moon shining off his face made him so cute. "Jon are you sure you're okay?" I asked concerned. He nodded wincing slightly. I sighed. I leaned down to his face. "Can I kiss you?" I asked. He smiled and I kissed him gently. I could tell it was his first kiss but it was mine as well. I broke the kiss and smiled at him. He had tears running down his face but he was smiling at me sweetly. I wiped his tears gently rubbing his bruises and cuts. "Why don't you go to someone?" I asked. "I'm here with someone right now." He said with a chuckle. I sighed and sat him up on my lap carefully. I hugged his waist gently as not to hurt him.

Tom's pov
I waited till Edd was asleep to climb out of his grip. I sat in the chair and grabbed a flask that I was in my bag that Edd grabbed. I chugged some of it and coughed slightly. "Forget. Forget. Forget." I mumbled chugging the rest. My vision started to go blurry but I didn't pass out. The alcohol just brought the memory's back. I started quietly crying looking for the other thing in my bag. A razor blade. I walked to the bathroom, locking the door. I stood in front of the sink and started cutting, letting my sobs out. "Tom?" I heard outside the door. "B-be out i-in a sec." I sobbed grabbing toilet paper and putting it on my wrists. Edd fiddled with the doorknob. "O-one second." I said. I grabbed a towel wrapping it on my wrists. "Tom let me in!" Edd yelled. He knew something was seriously wrong. "O-one s-second." I sobbed quietly sitting in front of the door. The bleeding stopped and I folded the razor blade in the towel and hid it in the cabinet. I opened the door clenching my sleeves. Edd pulled my arm and pulled down my sleeve quickly. He saw the cuts and I put my head down. "Tom!" He screamed. I jumped hitting the wall behind me painfully. I was still on my crutches trying not to fall. He hugged me tight. "Please, don't do this, I'm right here please stop this." He said starting to cry. I was drunk and dizzy. "D-don't cry. Pl-please." I stuttered. "Wh-where is it?" He asked. I walked into the bathroom stumbling. I grabbed the towel and handed it to him with my head down. He threw it in the trash can with no hesitation.

Edd's pov
I kissed Tom gently, the taste of Smirnoff on his lips. I broke the kiss and looked around. There was an empty flask on the floor. "Tom. You're not old enough for drinking." I said. He was falling deeper and deeper. "I know." He said with a sob. "How long?" I asked. "Edd-" I cut him off. "How long?!" I screamed punching the wall. He jumped and whimpered. I calmed down. "How long?" I asked. "Since it all started. The abuse. The bullying." He said. "How long ago was that?" I asked. "Seven years ago." He said quietly. I sighed and turned around. "Please just don't." I said. "I-I won't." He sobbed. I picked him up gently him dropping his crutches. "I'm sorry I lost my temper and yelled." I said. "It's okay." He said. "Are you drunk?" I asked. "Not completely." He said. I nodded. I hugged him against my chest like a baby until he fell asleep. He already had bags under his eyes. I sat in the chair rubbing his back.

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