He Was Happy

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                 Tom's pov
I didn't have a nightmare. I clenched Edd in my sleep. He was quietly humming a lullaby. I heard a phone alarm go of and I jumped. I had bags under my eyes and I was tired as hell. "Shit." Edd mumbled turning off his alarm. "How can I get you to sleep with out cradling you in my arms?" He asked. "I-I don't know. B-but if you w-want you can p-put me down." I said with soft sobs. "No, I like holding you." He said with a smile. I clenched his hoodie tighter and buried my face into the crook of his neck. He smelled bitter sweet and some what like cola. He kissed my neck sweetly and I jumped. I calmed down and he continued. He found my sweet spot, gently nibbling on it. I let a tiny moan escape my lips. I was scared that he would hurt me. I clenched his hoodie. He stopped and sighed. "It's okay Tom. I'll stop." He said. "I-I'm sorry." I said with a sob. He kissed my forehead gently and smiled sweetly. "There's nothing to be sorry for Tom." He said. I nodded hugging him tight. He laid down with me in his arms. "Can you get some sleep? For me?" He asked. "I-I'll try." I said burying my head into his chest. I fell asleep after a while of cuddling with Edd. I didn't have a nightmare, I just laid there in complete darkness. It was actually kind of nice for once. I was so peaceful snuggled against Edd's chest, gripping his hoodie. I felt Edd kiss my forehead gently and hug me slightly tighter. I smiled through my sleep and snuggled into him more. I couldn't help but to smile.

                 Edd's pov
Tom was so adorable. I couldn't help it, I kissed him on the lips. He kissed back as his eyes fluttered open. I broke the kiss, blushing of embarrassment. "You could have just asked for a kiss." Tom said with a giggle. I smiled at him. He was happy, finally through this whole nightmare. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." He said gently planting a kiss on my lips. "It's kind of early. Maybe we can go see Tord?" Tom asked with his head down. "We don't have to." I said hugging him. He looked up at me, still smiling adorably. "I want to." He said. I smiled and kissed him again. "Then let's go." I said sitting up. He pulled me down gently. "We can go later. I want to cuddle." He said in a cute voice. He laid him on my chest gently. "You're in a really good mood." I said playing with his hair. "Well I'm with you." He said. After a while he fell asleep on my chest gently. I played with his hair gently as he slept peacefully. He started mumbling things about me. I giggled a bit at how cute it was. He hugged my chest and started drooling slightly. "How did I end up with someone as cute as you?" I said with a chuckle. I rubbed circles into his back gently. He kissed my chest gently. It was really adorable. "What are you dreaming about?" I asked with a small chuckle. "You." He mumbled, his eyes fluttering open. He kissed me gently. "Do you want to go see Tord now?" I asked. He nodded getting up carefully. I grabbed his waist startling him. "Do you want help changing?" I asked. He giggled and gave me a small kiss.

Tord's pov
I shot out of bed after having a nightmare, but every time I woke up I didn't remember what it was. I sighed plopping back on my bed. I was tired. I slept for two minutes before waking up each time. I had bags under my eyes. I couldn't sleep after Tom left, sobbing in Edd's arms. He couldn't even stand my touch. "Tord?" I heard. I shot up banging my head on some hospital equipment. I looked over at Tom who was giggling. I smiled at how happy he was now. He walked over to me and sat in a chair right next to my bed. "How are you?" He asked. I could see the hint of fear in his eyes. "I-I'm okay I guess." I said pushing the hospital equipment away. He rubbed his thumb under my eye, examining the bags, making me flinch. "You haven't been sleeping." He said concerned. I sighed and gently pushed his hand away. "I'm fine Tom." I said with a smile. The smile was so fake it hurt. He sighed and kissed my forehead, surprising me. I heard Edd growl slightly. He gently pushed me down and tucked me in. "Get some sleep. We'll be here if you need anything, at all." He said smiling down at me. He kissed my forehead again and Edd growled louder. Tom giggled. I fell asleep and for a while it was complete darkness. I started to have a nightmare. I was pinning Tom down. He was half naked and so was I. He was crying. No! Stop! Stop! You're hurting him! Stop it! I screamed at myself. I couldn't control it, only see it. I thrusted into him and he screamed. I shot up tears running down my face. He was sleeping peacefully in the chair next to me. "Did I really do that to you?" I asked through a sob.

High school au (Tom x Edd)Where stories live. Discover now