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Tom's pov
I flinched as he kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry I make your life a living hell." He said backing up. I started crying again. "My life is a living hell because I don't fight back." I said. He sighed. He knew if he touched me I'd flinch again and start crying. "Hit me." He said scooting in front of me. "Tord I'm not gonna hit you." I said. "Tom. I've been hurting you a lot lately. Hit me." He said. I sighed and balled up my fist. He closed his eyes, awaiting the punch, but I couldn't do it. He peaked to see me crying and slowly moving my fist away. "Hey don't cry. Don't cry." He said. He wanted to wipe my tears so bad. "I-I can't." I said hiding my face in my hands. I jumped when Tord's arms wrapped around my waist. He carefully pulled me onto his lap. "Please stop crying." He said rubbing my back gently. I flinched at his touch and started crying more. "T-Tord c-can you p-put me down?" I stuttered from fear. He sighed and backed up slightly. "I'm sorry. I just hate seeing you cry." He said, putting his head down. "I-it's okay." I said. I was shaking from fear now. "I'm so sorry." He said burying his face into his hands. I gently grabbed his hands. I pulled them away from his face to see tears drip from his cheeks. I wiped them away and weakly smiled at him. "It's okay." I said. I was still shaking. "Tom you're so scared you're shaking." He said looking at me sympathetically. "I'm shaking because I want to run but I'm making myself stay because I want to talk to you." I said smiling at him.

Edd's pov
I was getting impatient. Tom was taking to long and I was getting worried. I walked into the room to see them talking quietly. "Tom. It's getting late. We should get going." I said. He nodded and stood up. I opened the door to see it was poring rain. "Can we just stay here for the night?" I asked, looking back at Tom. He put his head down but nodded. "Tord? Can we stay the night?" I asked. He nodded quickly. I picked Tom up carefully and he dropped his crutches. I carried him to the room and laid him down. I laid with him and we laid there completely silent. There was a gentle knock on the door making us both jump. "Come in." I said quietly. Tord poked his head in quietly. "Do you guys want some dinner?" He asked. "I'm okay." Tom said. "Tom, you haven't eaten." I said concerned. He shrugged and flipped around, facing the wall. "I'll be out in a second Tord." I said. He nodded and left. "Why aren't you eating?" I asked concerned. "I'm just not hungry." He said. I sighed and hugged him. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine." He said. "Tom?" I asked. "I'm fine. I'm just not hungry." He said. "Tom if something's wrong tell me." I said. "Edd. I'm fine. Okay." He said. He was getting pissed off quickly. I sighed and stood up, leaving the room. "He's really not gonna eat?" Tord asked. "He'll eat." I said. Tord sighed and handed me a plate of spaghetti. "Edd." He said as I turned around. "Yeah?" I asked. "I'm sorry." He said. "Stop Tord. There's no point." I said, walking back into the room quietly. Tom was huddled in a ball with the blanket over his head, quietly sobbing. He was aggressively shaking. I sighed and quietly closed the door. I quietly put the plate of food down. "Tom?" I asked. He didn't answer. I sighed and sat next to him carefully. He jumped and looked at me. "E-Edd?" He asked. "It's okay. Come here." I said. He hugged me and sobbed into my chest.

                 Matt's pov
I couldn't stop worrying about Tom. "Matt. He'll be fine." Jon said noticing that I was tensed up. "The movie is almost over. You can text Edd after it." Jon said. I nodded and kissed him gently. He kissed back and the make out session began. I kept going until I was slapped in the back of the head. I accidentally bit Jon's lip and he whimpered. I pulled away and turned around to see Eduardo. I growled and gently clenched Jon's hand. "What do you want?" I growled. Mark was paying close attention. "I want to talk to my ex boyfriend." He said. "Then you better keep looking." I growled. "Matt." Jon mumbled. I looked back at him. He had his head down ashamed. "No. You're kidding me right?" I said. He sighed and looked away. I groaned and got up walking away quickly. I saw Eduardo sit down and put his arm around Jon. I sighed and walked back. I punched him in the face and threw him to the ground. "I don't care what he is, or was to you. Stay away from him." I growled. He pushed me and I hit my head. The last thing I heard was someone screaming, "someone call Edd!"

                 Tord's pov
I was sitting at the counter drawing when a heard a phone ring. I looked over to see Edd's phone. I answered it, knowing Edd and Tom were already asleep. "Edd?!" Mark yelled into the phone. "No. It's Tord. What's going on?!" I asked standing up quickly. "Eduardo. Fight. Matt. Hurt." He rambled. "I'll be there soon." I said running out of the house. I had completely forgot to put my drawing away. I ran down to the movie theater quickly. Everyone was running out. I ran inside and into the screening room. Matt was passed out on the ground, his head bleeding. Jon was crying in his seat and Mark was hugging him. I checked Matt's head. Nothing a bandage can't fix. "He's fine." I said, carefully picking him up. "Let's get out of here. I think some one called the police." I said. We went to leave but there were police alarms. "Fire exit." I said. Jon wasn't fast enough so Mark picked him up quickly. We ran for the fire exit. We got out and ran to their house. "I need bandages." I said. Mark gently put Jon down and grabbed the first aid. He threw it to me and I cleaned up the gash carefully. I wrapped up his head carefully. "He should wake up soon." I said. "I should get going. It's late." I said. They nodded and I left. I walked into the house to see my drawing ripped. "Shit." I mumbled. I ran over to see it ripped in pieces. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Let it be Edd. Let it be Edd." I mumbled picking the pieces up. "Oh you're home." It was Tom. "Um...y-yeah." I stuttered. "Tord. Sorry for ripping your drawing." He said. I froze and put my head down. "Tom. I-I can explain." I said. I looked through the pieces but I couldn't find the one I wanted. "There's no need. He said, slamming it in front of me. Me, slitting my wrists. "I also found your folder." He said putting it down and opening it. Some were of me kissing Tom but most of them were of me killing myself. "T-Tom? H-how'd you find th-this." I asked looking through it. "Edd went to get his food. I did a little exploring." He said. He threw some pictures in front of me. Slit wrists, slit wrists, slit wrists, slit throat. "Does Edd know?" He asked. "Tom. It was years ago. It doesn't matter." I said shoving the pictures into my folder.

                 Tom's pov
"I saw the other pictures." I said. "I'll burn them." He said. "Tord. It's creepy." I said. "I know. Why do you think I'm coming up with ways to stop?" He asked opening the folder to a drawing of him hanging himself. "Give me your hands." I said. "Tom. I'm not playing this game." He said. "Now. Or I swear to god I will slit my throat right in front of you." I said. He quickly gave me his hands. He was gripping his sleeves. I carefully grabbed his sleeve but he grabbed my hand. He was shaking. "Please." He said. I carefully held his one hand and pulled up his sleeve. Deep cuts. Deep enough for stitches. Some of them were scaring already but others were still bleeding. He kept his head down and he let go of my hand. He was crying and shaking violently. I grabbed a washcloth and put it against the cuts. He winced and cringed slightly. "I know. It hurts I know." I said, gently rubbing his arm. I couldn't look at him. I rolled his sleeve up to his elbow to see a long scar going down his wrist. The bleeding from the cuts stopped and I carefully removed the washcloth. He was quietly sobbing. I bandaged his wrists and pulled his sleeves down. "Tord." I said. I couldn't get the words out. "It's pathetic. I've chickened out so many time." He said forcing a chuckle. He was surprised when I slapped him. You could hear the echo. He kept quiet with his head down. "Burn them. Burn the whole folder." I said. I pulled a picture out of my pocket and handed it to him. "Keep this." I said. It was a picture of him and me. "Tom. I really wanna kiss you right now." He said with a giggle. "Please don't." I said. He carefully put both his hands on the counter. I was trapped, shaking slightly. He sighed and kissed my forehead. "Y-you should get some sleep." He said turning around. "Goodnight Tord." I said. "Night." He said before walking into his room quietly.

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