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Edd's pov
I got to class before anyone else like usual. "Hey Edd." The teacher said as I sat down at my desk. "Hey." I said taking out my books. I sat at the back of the classroom so he never saw me acting out. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started playing a game. My friend Matt walked in and sat at his desk. He satin front of me in every class. "Hey you okay?" He asked looking back at me. "Yeah just bored." I said putting my phone back in my pocket. "I hear we're getting a new student today." Matt said excited. "Who'd you hear that from?" I asked taking out my sketchbook. "Every teacher. Do you even pay attention in class?" Matt asked. "Not really." I said as I started to sketch. "How are you a star student?" He asked. "I'm a straight A student." I said with a shrug. "But you don't pay attention." He said. "That's because I learn it as soon as the lesson starts." I said as finished my drawing. "Can I see your drawing? I love them." Matt asked. "Sure." I said handing him my sketchbook. I had drawn a regular anime boy playing basketball. "This is amazing." Matt said giving me my sketchbook back. More students started to rush into the room. "Well students today we have a new student named Tom. This is Tom." The teacher said pointing to the boy next to her. He was wearing a blue hoodie with the hood up. "Tom would you please take off your hood it's against school rules." The teacher said. He took off his hood to reveal his black eyes. Or no eyes? Everyone gasped except for me. I blushed a small bit at how hot he was. "Tom you can have a seat next to Edd. If you need anything just ask him." The teacher said pointing at me. Tom looked at me making me blush more. I quickly looked down and closed my sketchbook. He walked over and sat down next to me. The teacher started with her lesson and I started drawing in my sketchbook. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked over at Tom. "Sorry to bother you but do you have a pencil?" He asked awkwardly. I looked down at the only pencil I had. I closed my sketchbook and handed it to him. "Thanks but if you need it you can keep it." He said hesitant to take it. "It's fine." I said giving him a smile. I leaned my head on my hand and started to drift off to sleep. "Edd?" Tom asked. "Yeah?" I asked. "Do you even-" he was cut off by the teacher. "Edd Gould. I am very disappointed in you, talking in the middle of a lesson." The teacher scolded. "Sorry sir. I was asking Edd for a pencil." Tom said. I looked over at him surprised. "Thank you for taking responsibility Tom." The teacher said.

        Tom's pov
I felt bad for almost getting Edd in trouble. He seems really nice. I wonder what he was drawing. I sat quietly studying. But I wasn't studying books. I kept glancing over at Edd even though I told myself to stop. I glanced over at him once more only to see him glance back at me. We made eye contact then blushed looking away. The bell finally rang for second period. I walked out of the classroom quietly. There were a group of kids huddled in a circle chanting. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" They yelled. I pushed past people to see what was going on. Edd was on the ground with a bloody nose, a busted lip, and a black eye. There was a kid who was much taller than him and had on a green sweater, hovering over him. The kid picked him up by the collar and was about to throw him back down. I stepped in between him and Edd and punched him in the face. He let go of Edd who dropped to the ground. I put my bag down and got ready to fight. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size." I said as he turned to look at me. "You really wanna go?!" He yelled. "Bring it on asshole." I said with a smirk. He threw a punch and I grabbed his fist, twisting his arm behind his back. "Say uncle." I said pushing his arm up. "U-uncle." He stuttered. I let him go and he fell to his knees holding his arm. I helped Edd up as a teacher started walking over. "Tom Ridgewell! We do not except this kind of behavior in our school! Go to the principles office now!" She yelled. I walked down to the principals office when I was stopped by two guys. "You think it's funny humiliating our friend in front of everyone?!" One of the yelled cracking his knuckles. "Mark? Do I really have to be here? I don't like conflict." The other one said. "Damn it Jon. Just go wait over there." The one I presume is Mark said. "I'm not really in the mood." I said trying to walk past him. "You're not going anywhere." He said grabbing my hood. "You really don't want to mess with me." I said annoyed. He punched me in the stomach. "Leave him alone!" I heard someone yell. I looked up to see a guy in a red hoodie. "Not this kid again. Do you want another beating?!" Mark yelled putting down. I ran down to the principals office. I walked inside and sat in one of the chairs. "Tom Rigdewell. You're new right?" The principal asked as he sat down in his chair. "Yeah." I said awkwardly. "I hear you were fighting with another student in the hall." He said typing things into his computer. "He was bullying one of my friends. I stepped in and stopped it." I said awkwardly. "And who is this friend of yours?" He asked. "I really don't want to bring him into this. He didn't start the fight." I said. "You said he was bullied, I need his name." He said. "Edd Gould." I said reluctantly. He picked up his phone. "Hey, can I have Edd Gould in my office?" He asked before hanging up. "Tom, you know there is a no fighting rule right?" He asked. "Yeah." I said slightly nervous. "I'll let you off with a warning just this once." He said. "Hello?" Edd said poking his head in. "Ah yes Edd please take a seat." The principal said. Edd listened and sat down. "Now, Tom says you were being bullied. Is that true?" He asked paying close attention to Edd. "No. It was just a misunderstanding." Edd lied. "Edd if something's going on you can tell me. I'll have this kid suspended at once." The principal said confidently. "Nope just a misunderstanding." Edd said again. "Okay. You may go. Don't be late for third period." The principal said shooing us away. "Why didn't you just tell him you were being bullied?" I asked as we walked out.

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