Chapter 6

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Early the next morning Remus is slowly waking up and stretching when his arm hits something solid and warm. Then it hits him. The events from the previous night come flooding back, the question, the answer, the kiss. Just as Remus is about to panic about Sirius not remembering anything and rejecting him, Sirius wakes up and smiles. He smiled a heart melting sleepy smile and wrapped his arms tighter around Remus' middle.

"Five more minutes, Moony." Sirius mumbles and nuzzles his head into the mans chest.

"Okay, just five more minutes, Padfoot." Remus replies running his fingers through the dark hair.

"MOONY! PADFOOT!" Harry yells from his crib exactly four minutes later waking the two men up fully.

"Okay, okay. Let's go get our little Prongslet." Remus says rolling carefully out of bed as to not throw Sirius from him.

Harry is walking down the hall while holding onto Padfoot just as Remus began cooking breakfast. Remus has always loved making breakfast without magic; he loves the time that the routine takes up, it makes waking up slow and relaxing.

"Pancakes or waffles, Prongslet?" Remus asks the boy on Sirius' shoulders.

"WAFFLES!" The two said in unison with wide grins on their faces.

"Well then, chocolate chip waffles it is!" Remus says as he grabs the chips from the pantry. "Padfoot, make the tea, yeah?"

The two men spent the morning finding reasons to have physical contact with each other. Once Harry was laid down for his nap they began cleaning the house and showering. They were in sync from living with one another since leaving Hogwarts, but it had a new feel to it. Now they danced in the kitchen and charmed the house clean. They touched more, they'd kiss in passing through the house, they moved their favorite chairs in the library so that their knees could touch while they read in silence.

Right as Harry was waking up from his nap there was an owl tapping at the window.

"Moony! Owl! Can you grab that?" Sirius yells from Harry's room.

"It's from Augusta Longbottom! She says she'd like to set up a play date for Frank and Alice's son Neville!" Remus calls from the kitchen window.

"Geez, Moony! We're right here. No need to yell." Sirius laughs. "Little Nev was a happy little kid from what I remember. Whatcha think? Here or there?"

"Probably here, do you remember when we went there during the summer before forth year? The house practically screamed pure blood." Replied Remus with a shutter. 

"If you recall, Moony. This house once literally screamed about being strictly a pure blood house." Sirius replied with his head held high in typical Black fashion. "But I agree. Here would be much better for the boys."

"Looks like we actually need to go shopping then. Toys, blankets, food, child cups, more children books." Remus says with small smile to the man he loves, knowing that he'll jump at the chance to buy things for the little boys.

"You're right! Where to begin?! Muggle or magical shops? Clearly we'll hit both, but where do we start?!" Sirius starts planning excitedly. "mmm. Muggle. We need a stroller."

"Alright, let's get Prongslet ready. Padfoot, you get him dressed. Then we'll go."

They had themselves dressed, the bag packed, and were headed out the door in fifteen minutes. Remus shakes his head thinking the only thing Sirius won't procrastinate doing is anything for Harry.

Sirius, with Harry on his shoulders, is bouncing down the stroller isle in a Muggle shop on their way to Diagon Alley. He's asking Harry's opinion on every stroller he thinks the boy might like, even though Harry just laughs every time he's asked a question. After about thirty minutes of looking at strollers Remus comes by with a basket full of toys, diapers, wipes, cups, and books. Upon seeing that Sirius is still just talking to Harry about how wonderful the world must look in his eyes, Remus laughs and rolls his eyes affectionately and chooses a new stroller that fits their needs. So they pay and head out towards Diagon Alley.

This time they had Harry in the stroller with their shopping bags in the bottom. People in the wizarding world still stared, but it wasn't at Harry, it was at the two men holding hands and talking as though no one else in the world mattered. Now, this usually wasn't cause for people to stare, the most shocking part was that one of the men was Sirius Black. The long time bachelor finally has a partner!

As they're walking through the book shops to find more children's books about magical creatures they see Narcissa Malfoy with her son Draco, a child about Harry's age.

"Sirius! Oh how have you been?! I haven't seen you in ages!" Narcissa says seemingly joyed at seeing her cousin.

"Cissy," Sirius nods to his cousin "I've been doing well, all things considered. How's little Draco doing?"

"Oh he's just great! He really is, you have little Harry now, yes? I'd love to have them get together soon! It would have to be at your house of course. Lucius is still recovering from the war."

"Lucius is recovering? What do you mean, Cissy?" Sirius asks with genuine curiosity, he knew that Lucius Malfoy was one of Voldemort's inner circle.

"You didn't hear? Dear Sirius, have you just been held up in old Grimmauld Place?! He was a spy for Dumbledore. Your letter and his testimony are what insured Peter's capture." His cousin told him with a flush of her cheeks.

"Is that so?" Sirius looks to Remus as to confirm that he's not the only one who heard what his cousin had said. "I'm sure little Harry here would love to have a play date with Draco. Send us an owl and we'll set a date and time."

"Oh good! I'm so glad, Sirius! Well, goodbye for now. We must be on our way." Narcissa hugs Sirius and winks at Remus as she walks with her son out of the shop.

"Moony, you heard that too, yeah?" Sirius asks in disbelief.

"Yes, Padfoot, I did. Do you believe it?" Remus replies wrapping an arm protectively around the mans waist.

"I want to, Cissy was never as crazy as Bella." He says almost to himself.

"Looks like we've got all we need for the time being. Ready to go home?" Remus asks kissing the black haired mans shoulder.

"Yes, let's go home." Sirius says as they pay for their books and head back to 12 Grimmauld Place.

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