Chapter 11

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Harry was growing up happily with his godfathers. He knew what happened to his parents, what he himself meant to the Wizarding World, and most importantly he knew that he was loved beyond measure.

On his forth birthday Remus and Sirius asked Harry if he would like to go to a Muggle school. They explained to him that he would be learning, making friends, but he wouldn't be able to talk about magic. Harry was hesitant at first to say the least, being away from his godfathers five days a week, not being able to even talk about magic. He started to get excited after his birthday party where he talked to Draco about it and he said that he'd like to go make friends and learn outside of his lessons at the manor.

"Padfoot, can Draco go to school with me?" Harry asked the day after the party.

"Well, Harry he'd have to talk to his mom about that. You know it's only for a few hours? And I'll be there to take you and pick you up everyday." Sirius said setting the boy on his lap to read a story to him.

"Do you think Ms. Cissy would say yes?" Harry asked opening the book for Sirius.

"I don't know, maybe. I can talk to her when they come over for tea tomorrow." Sirius replied.

The following day Narcissa and Draco had gotten to Grimmauld Place around three in the afternoon.

"Good Afternoon!" Remus said has the two came through the floo.

"Remus!" Draco yelled out running up to Remus to pick him up. "Where's Harry?" The little boy asked looking around.

"He's in the back garden with Sirius. Let's go get them." Remus laughed and set the little boy down.

"Hey Cissy, how's it going?" Remus asks the woman who was following them outside smiling.

"Oh good. I actually really want to talk to the two of you about something regarding the boys." She said fidgeting a little with her handbag.

"Okay, everything okay? Want to take the tea out here? It's a gorgeous day." Remus asked watching the man he loves pick both boys up spinning them around. It was moments like this that Remus realized how fortunate he really was, and how much he truly loved this man.

"Cissy! How's it going?!" Sirius says running up a little out of breath and plopping himself in one of the chairs.

"Oh just fine, Sirius. So Harry's going to a Muggle school? How did you decide on that?" Narcissa asked sitting down in one the chairs by the little table.

"Well, Remus and I thought that he should get some education in a place where he could really thrive, not somewhere that people would favor him for being The-Boy-Who-Lived. Plus he can work on social skills with kids his own age. Draco and he are such good friends, but they've been together since they were one, same with little Neville Longbottom, and the young Weasley boy." Sirius explained with a grin watching the boys try to climb a tree.

"Oh, that makes perfect sense. I was actually thinking of enrolling Draco there. For similar reasons, I think it would be good for him to learn outside of the magical world, see how the muggles live and learn." She said with a wave of her hand.

"Really?! I was going to ask you about that. Harry told me that Draco might want to go." He said laughing as Remus brought the tea back and kissed the man on his cheek.

"Well, that was an easy conversation. What's Lucius think of the idea?" Remus asks sitting down.

"That's the tricky part. I've mentioned it here and there, but I haven't actually asked him yet." The woman said with a small laugh and a shrug. "You see, I was hoping that you two might talk to him about it?"

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