Chapter 10

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"Padfoot, I'm thinking about going to find work." Remus said in passing one afternoon.

"Why? Caring for Harry is a full time job. Plus, with my inheritance neither of us need to work." Sirius asked.

"It's just something I want to do. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love spending every day with the two of you. It's just that I like working, it gives me a stronger sense of purpose." Remus explained drying the last of the dishes.

"I can put you to work, if you want." Sirius says with a wink.

Remus rolls his eyes and kisses Sirius. "I was actually thinking of a Muggle shop. They wouldn't think anything of me needing time off around the full moon every month. And I was thinking of just doing part time, as to not spend too much time away from you two."

"If you really want to, I'll support you no matter what." He says while wrapping his arms around his man.

"Thank you, love." Remus laughed and kissed him on his temple. "Now, we have to get Harry ready to meet little Draco!"

"Prongslet, you ready to meet someone?" Sirius asks as he picks the boy up and puts him in the high chair for lunch.

"Yay!!" Harry giggles making grabby hands to his godfather for food.

After the three had lunch and cleaned up it was just about time for Narcissa and Draco to be there. They took some toys out of Harry's room and brought them down to the sitting room so the boys could play while the adults talked and had tea.

"Sirius!" Narcissa exclaims coming in the door and throwing her arms around her cousin. "I wanted to walk from the apparating point across the park. It's such a lovely day, and I really do miss the area."

"Cissy! Come in, I'm so glad you could make it! We have some of Harry's toys laid out in the sitting room for the boys." Sirius says gesturing to the room on the right.

"Oh, I've missed you. I'm so glad that Lucius has been cleared and we can come visit." She says to the dark haired man. "And Remus, how have you been, darling?" She asks with genuine concern.

"Oh, I've been just fine. Thank you for asking, Narcissa." Remus replied with a nod.

"Oh, please. Call me Cissy. You're finally with my cousin now, yes?" The woman replied with an easy smile.

"Yes we are together, Cissy. Finally. Aside from the lose of Lily and James, we're happy. I really am." Sirius replies while placing a hand on the shorter mans shoulder.

"So, tea?" Remus asks standing up to go to the kitchen.

The rest of the afternoon was spent laughing and talking about the boys and their school days. They talked of simpler times and the worry free minds of their children. The conversation never did stray to Lucius or the war. Draco and Harry we're getting along wonderfully, especially for two boys who have never had to share their toys with anyone.

"Oh, I think they'll become the best of friends if we keep getting them together like this!" Narcissa stated just as they were leaving.

"Yes, Cissy. I think they will." Sirius replied with a kiss to her cheek showing her to the floo.

"Until next time, Remus." She kisses the man's cheek and steps in the floo with her son.

As they sat down to have dinner Harry was starting to fall asleep at the table.

"Prongslet seems worn out, yeah?" Remus says laughing and trying to keep the boy awake long enough to have some food.

"Love you, Moony!" Harry says as he snaps his head up at the sound of his name.

"Did you have fun with Draco today?" Remus asks him.

"Yes! Again?" He asks.

"Yes, Prongslet, we'll have them over again soon." Sirius replies to his godson laughing.

"That really did go well, I enjoyed myself. I never realized how much I missed my cousin. In school she treated me kinder than the other Slytherins. Then the war came and we all believed that her and Lucius we're close and loyal followers of Voldemort, I wrote her off. At that point my entire family had written me off, so it wasn't such a big deal. But I'm glad we've reconnected. I really am." Sirius said with a sigh after.

"I enjoyed myself, too. I honestly did not think she'd take our relationship as easy as she did. All she cared about was that you're happy." Remus replied while wrapping his arms around Sirius waist.

"Oh, she knows that I'd been hopelessly pinning after you." Sirius said with a shrug. "We used to get drunk on the grounds at school together every now and then. She and I were very close, I told her almost everything." At this Remus laughed loudly and spun Sirius around to kiss him.

"He really is too cute, Padfoot." Remus said as they were putting Harry to bed. "You know when we first saw him the day he was born I thought that there was no way I could love him any more than I did in that moment. But that's been proven wrong ten fold. Every single day I love him more and more."

"You know, Moony, I feel the exact same way." Sirius says with a smile and a kiss on Remus' lips.

The next few weeks went by as normal. Remus went to Muggle shops to apply for part-time work. He was offered just about every job he applied for, and finally decided on a bookshop in Muggle London just one block from 12 Grimmauld Place. It was perfect, which is what he used to convince Sirius that it was a good idea.

"It's not that I don't want you to work, Moony. I do. I know it makes you happy. I just want to make sure you're close in case we need you for something. Or in case you need me for anything." Sirius explained one night while they were cleaning the kitchen.

"Padfoot, I know you want me to be around. This place is just a block away. Walk to the sidewalk and you can see the storefront." Remus said brushing a kiss on the man's cheek while walking past him. "Plus, it's only a few days a week."

"Okay, okay. You're right." Sirius sighs walking over and holding the man's arms around his biceps. "Harry and I are just needy. Right, Prongslet?"

"Moony! Padfoot! Love you!" He giggles and runs over.

"See? Needy." Sirius laughs.

Remus just rolled his eyes and light-heartedly shoved the taller man.

"Well, good. That's settled. I start on Monday. Two to three days a week, eight hour days. I can come home at lunch, and we get a discount on books. So come in and buy some books Monday, yeah?" Remus says.

"I think Prongslet and I might have time in our busy schedules to stop by." Sirius replied grinning and kissing the love of his life.

"Books!" Harry yelled just before a yawn. Reading was one of Harry's favorite pass times.

Sirius was just worried that something would happen while Remus was away that he couldn't deal with. He's never taken care of a child on his own, even when he would babysit for James and Lily's date nights he would have Remus with him. He wanted Remus to go to work. He wanted Remus to have his sense of accomplishment, and he knew few places in the Wizarding World would hire a werewolf. Sirius was just nervous. Happy for the man he loves, just nervous for himself.

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